Letter to Jayapataka Swami

Hare Krsna,

Maharaja et al,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. [We invented the acronym, AGTSP. We will probably go to some unusually hell for doing it, but it was to avoid extra expense on Hansadutta Swami's Teletype machine].

We were hoping to be in touch with you with everyone else during your visit to Peru.

Our Sankirtan there is going very well. Several universities are pushing us very hard for a second "Psychology and the Sacred" symposium, so we are fixing the agreements now to present it in June of 2016. After that we want to do a full global event in 2018 on "Art and the Sacred".

We will be in India from 1st January to 13th February: Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Vraja, Pune, Navi-mumbai, Kolkata, Mayapura (SGGSanga). We are at your service.

As you requested we had very excellent exchange of letters with Divya-priya Devi Dasi and Atmananda Das, and seem to be with same attitude towards everything.

We have good communication now with Karuna Krsna Das, who is Secretary for the National Council, but they still have not been able to reconstruct their lost Minutes, but we are trying to get good distribution, at least to us, of their current Acts.

With Jaga-jivana Das departure we have been very, very, seriously hoping that Mathuresa Das can become the Regional Secretary for Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. Of course, we need to hear the ideas of others. For our service it would be excellent. We are engaged as we are in Peru with the perspective that it will solve all the problems of the Yatra by nourishing the root of the tree. We see no reason why Peru can't be the greatest nation in ISKCON.

We can fill in many more details but we don't want to burden you with them unless you have specific questions of us.

You much younger Godbrother,

Hanumatpresaka Swami