HARIBOL!! - Madrid and the Tao

8 years, 3 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Gurumaharaj.
Please accept my most humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
First I wanted to apologize for not writing all this time.

HpS - ASA -  No, excuse. You must pay a penalty of one Laddu to three Brahmanas to be free from the guilt of your crime.

All goes well, from this month im combining the university (Master in  Sciences of religions, you asked me in the last letter if i can give classes i think also i can give classes in school but its more focus for people that want to investigate in academic way or do PhD, very good profesors its the 3(rd) best university in Spain, the person that is guiding me in my final work is expert in sanscrit, the title of my final work will be "Bhakti: origin and first interpretations of the concept of devotion in the hinduism ) with my service in the temple. My routine is very complete: spiritual program, service, university, pujari, etc ...

I feel these past months have been very difficult situations  in many ways but I think that gradually everything returns to a natural position.
I'm trying to have every day a little more faith in Krishna I try to protect my little devotion ... it is a fact that I am in the early stages of bhakti yoga.
I try to put in the center of my life the spiritual program, chanting my rounds and spending time with devotees. I think that this is the most important thing I do in my life. All other things around us social, personal, economics, friendships, families are like pieces in a theater that we should know how to use to promote our attraction and the rest of people to Krishna.
I am calm and happy, but I see that the service on the administrative council of the temple is not so natural and attractive as other services, but I will try to continue, I have faith in our team.

Looking ahead I think I'm in a year of transition and I feel that when I finish the university I'm going to take some time to reflect on my life and see where I want to address. Of course, the materials plans are completely fallible but I also like to have a projection of life in the medium term.

During these three years I have been very protected in the temple and now I return to interact daily with people who don’t do spiritual life I'm realizing how important it is to chant rounds and have a strict sadhana. Always remember Krishna and never forget him.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Sorry this time i used google translator, maybe you find some fails...

Mantri Rama Das

Do you like taoism?


ASA - Sun Wu Kong. Taoism. Ahuri Mazda... So much very nice perspective in this world. So many fresh things that teach us to apreciate the present moment. Then we can begin to appreciate Paramatma and then Bhagavan. Until we are accomplished in Brahma-bhuta, Tao, Upanisad, then we cannot appreciate Krsna in truth. Yes, some light of his smile, but it comes through many filters.

So, nice to get advantage of the Taste of Water. the Fragrance of the Earth, the majesty of a 747-taking off, but if we have any service that we can appreciate by the mercy of Sri Gauranga, then let us do that first, then all the knowledge of the Tao, Upanisad, the Dharma will increase auto matically. Watching some Taoism can very much be Hari Kirtan.

Have you seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRVnIwcJj6M

Your letter and attitude seem very nice!!  Our respects to everyone. We hope to get to Spain very, very soon.  Krsna will arrange it, no?