news from braja 2 (and DTC)

8 years, 3 months ago by RiturajMajumder in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Gurudev 

All glories to srila Prabhupada 

All glories to you gurudev

My humble dandavat pranams your lotus feet 

Hare krsna 

I am more steady in my sadhana now. Regular 16 rounds and 4 regulations are ok ( needs more work on sense control on the subtle level..first is to control my desire to taste tasty prasadam...I am trying to keep my prasadam simple and avoiding food professionally cooked even if inside the temple until or unless I am too hungry ...I feel it is helping me little bit to control my senses)

HpS - Seems that keeping regular times to honor Prasadam is a great help! Even six times a day, but regular times.

In bhaktisastri we completed bhagavat Gita till chapter 12. In 12 chapter  Prabhupada writes that krsna has already given us all the good qualities but we need to develop them from ourselves. No practical advice was given on how to do it. I mean externally do we need to act more humble , not show distress even if we feel distress, etc....what's the best solution.

HpS - SB 5.18.12, no?   Do our service and if we can't do service then, we can try to act in the mode of goodness, follow suggestions for moral behavior of Bhisma Deva, Socrates.

Krsna has also been very merciful. I got to eat \serve mahaprasad in Radha Raman Ji out of the blue. Yesterday I was praying for devotee association of my age but who is very highly realized so that I can progress and krsna sent a very sincere devotee from the 24 hour kirtan team and as I spoke I could feel that he is very realised devotee but he is only my age. He is completly dependent on krsna . I too hope I too can become like him. so much sraddha for krsna . please give me mercy. I am little stupid to understand deeper things that you say. Please guide me gurudev . And forgive me because of my stupidity.

HpS - We should be intelligent enough to explain things properly.

The last answer that you told me helped me a lot. I chant now a days thinking of the fact that I am not this body..sometimes so chanting has improved. 

Please keep me in your prayers.

Lots of love and pranams to you from Vrindavan .thank you for doing the name giving of nitai and nimai. We will have their Maha Abhishek on 14 November and formally start taking care of them from that day .H.G.Mukunda Dutta prabhu is also guiding me. I had the darshan of very very very beautiful Radha shyam in his home.

Hare krsna

Your eternal servent 

Rturaj  krsna das 


HpS - Hare Krsna.  Thank you.  It is 9.22PM.  We have had a hard day.  Get criticism from some people, but Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!   That is purifying.

We got a replacement computer from Gopinatha Das and sent our sick one back to him. Took a long time with auto breaking down, finding the Fed Ex office. Getting the new compute working. Nice 108 minutes talking with Peru devotees.


Good night!