Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja
Please, accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I'm glad to tell you we're fine, generally speaking, light and dark situations appear and disappear that unsettles us a bit. Happily, we are learning to understand the nature of this world and our karmic relationship with it. Our japa has slightly improved , especially in quality, , a pinch of taste sweetens our heart during the chanting. Our sadhana is maintained, it is sometimes difficult by the fact of coming home late a few days a week, but we attended Mangalaratik 5 times a week.
Indira Sakti and I are both studying the Srimad Bhagavatam, making summaries separately and individually reading other texts. We are collecting money to take the Bhakti Sastri course with Prabhu Param-padam, meanwhile, we study on our own.
I'm a little disappointed, I was in charge of communications in the temple, but they have rejected the work plan, the projects that I have been developing were rejected by the authorities. I tried to concentrate my efforts on communication between devotees (as you suggested) but they understand this as suspicious acts that promotes a plot. They strive to organize many festivals, but do not promote Saddhana or educational programs at all.
ASA - Interesting.
On the other hand, I told you before in a previous message that I had in mind to work on a modular education system for the yatra, but the devotee who promised to do it with me never replied to the mail. These things discourage me but I'm trying to make an effort to see Krsna's hand behind all this. Sometimes it is confusing because I lack the ability to know what He wants from me in these circumstances.
ASA - It is the same with us, but we are sure He wants us to chant as much as possible in any situation and at least 1728 good Maha-mantras on beads. When we do that we can see little by little what is the truth of our mind, body and association. We see that many times we don't get reciprocation from our authorities because they are doing so many things and we are a strange, new project to them, but after two weeks and pushing from a few different angles we finally got in touch with Anuttama Das, a very big and well related to us, GBC Secretary, and our friend. So we have scheduled a long talk on Thursday.
For now, we study, learn songs, serve the deity at home and work to make the japa and sadhana the center of our lives. You said that cleaning the temple can make a sincere devotee to reach Goloka, we are taking this literally. I can not understand what my service to the temple is, nor how I can serve you, this doubt sometimes causes affliction, Gurudeva.
Finally Gurumaharaja, three devotees do not appear in the list of your disciples in the Jayarama website. I already made the comment a while ago, but it seems that there has been no opportunity todo it. I know that a list does not determine the sincere discipleship of a devotee but it would be very nice to be part of this group photo, as your disciples. We are the ones who were initiated on February 4, 2015 at ISKCON Lima: Tarangaksi devi dasi (Tania Chamilco, January 13, 1975), Gauri Devi Dasi (Gumercinda Miranda, January 13, 1950) and Gandharva dasa (Germán Vegas, June 28, 1967). I hope this does not cause a nuisance, Gurudeva.
HpS - Aieeee, Chihuahua! I did not notice you mentioned this before. We will send a letter to Nama-acharya to make the update!!! Thank you!!!
Hope yu're doing well Gurumaharaja
Thank you for your kind attention
Your servant
Gandharva dasa
HpS - Develope your personal relationship with Srila Prabhupada through his many means of access. Develope you relationships with your friends in ISKCON. Work with the institutional structure of ISKCON to make improvements. 1. 2. 3. O.K?
Thank you so, so, so much for your austerities. They are real and lasting.