Crystal radio

8 years, 4 months ago by Nanuk in Special Category A, Hot Topics

PAMHO! Crystal radio is actually the most famous free-energy machine which was widely presented to public. I hope we'll soon get away from this Shiva's technology of heat..  and start to use the cold electricity or still better mantras...  hoping that the AI doesn't get the hold on humanity with the cold electricity. Like it sometimes seems when there is even indications of very time and history changing... and the holy books by the influence of the modes of nature.

The Mandela-effect is the most interesting psychological/quantum physical investigation that I would say the western world can give. In this video about Mandela-effect the bible change in text from lion with lamb to wolf with lamb (Isaiah 11:6)and was changed to a photo with wolf and lambs with all black eyes. It came in effect, according to my investigation about two years ago. There is many things in technology and science that will prove more subtle worlds coming. Still I'm very much attached to Gandharva Veda. All the glories to A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swamin Srila Prabhupada!!

HpS - Thank you. We built a Crystal radio in 7th grade in our school. Takes energy from the AM transmitted radio waves in the air!
By pranayama, chanting and dancing, we can influence so many sublte energies in the body. Are the pieziolectric crystals in the body?