Dear Swamiji,
AGTSP, PAMHO. We are praying to Krishna for your appearance in Bali, even Abhimanyu Prabhu is asking that you come. India is a short trip from Bali. We can easily send you a ticket to come. Abhimanyu and Aghastya Muni will help to arrange some academic programs for you to speak at as well as giving class at the various ISKCON temples here in Bali. Devotees here are always asking why don't you come to Bali and give them their association.
Radhastami was a very nice festival. I made Simply. Wonderfuls for Srimati Radharani and all the children loved them so much. Aghastya Muni's wife asked me to make 1008 for Govardhana Puja. Tomorrow I go to Singaraja on the north side of Bali. I will take Krishna book in English for devotees to study and learn English.
Your servant,
HpS - Let us look at your other letter>>>>>>