Thought you would want news from S F Ratha. Forgot to mention, we did not go as I was too weak to sustain travel, plus the event. The Folsom Group of Prabhupada disciples, not officially connected to ISKON SAC but a very nice group, is having a mini-Ratha first weekend in Sept in Folsom. Radha-Krsnan inviteded us. (this is the group he has attended for years primarily). They all also attended the SF Ratha of course, but have a long tradition of this mini Ratha with a beautiful little cart which also serves as Radha-Krsnan's personal altar. This is my speed right now and Dave and me are really looking farward to worshipping Lord Jagannatha at this event. YS, Kalindi Devi Dasi
HpS - Jaya! Very nice. Lokanatha Das called me after the festival, and Caitanya caritamrta a Subhra went and gave a report. In any situation Krsna will always put us in the best service postion, no? He is a greedy guy. Always puts people in best position for His satisfaction.
Can you do some editing work for our Solari magazine??? How is Captain Dave Prestha?? Thank you so much for the news!