Hariii!!! bol. Budanath

8 years, 7 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Agt Guru and Gauranga!!!

Agt Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja!

I´m Budanath das, from the little mountain.

I hope you are very good in all aspects

I have spent many days trying to write, but I can not find something to say that is not nonsense.

The other day on the 50th anniversary of Iskcon, I had the best day of my life.

A drop of nectar fell on me, and I had a very strong personal experience, that still hits me. Maybe it's silly

For some matter, time and space, on all the time, were canceled and it seemed that lived a sociable conversation, outside the logic, where at peak times, material image sparkled and was part of a conversation or reality that had nothing to do with what was seen, except for the presence of Paramatma.

In the plains, like today, Paramatma seemed to have a thousand faces and mouths, they observed objectively, but aware of everything

Something drives me to find this present, mystical, behind everything, including sensory logic

It was like looking back to childhood friends. No sense to use logic

There is only one way to repeat that experience, that ever-present reality ... 16 rounds, 4 principles, and service

It has given me great enthusiasm experience. Enthusiasm

I hope I can go mad for Krishna one day, or tomorrow, or today, and forget everything. I think that Krsna likes to ask that.

I try to be more regular writing, and especially reading

In a week I tell you that I have read and how long. Follow your tweets, blog, nectar

Lack done much in the kirtan, bhajans, festivals, devotees, pure souls. I will try to buy a Harmonium.

Thank you very much for everything

Tulasi is very well.

Yours, Budanath das.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - As I understand from Academic Psychological studies, many people have these 'psychotic' experiences, or 'religious' experiences, but they seem to be natural experiences. With the perspective of SB we can use them., Narada muni describes his experience in SB 1.6, no?

I have had experiences like this some times. As you say, by good regular Sadhana we can become quite purified quite rapidly and experience a more profound perception of the world.

Yes, we find that reading leads to writing, leads to trying to read systematically. Let us try to get Sita out of the clutches of Ravana. Let us try to get many the innocent souls out of this world. We have to look for them then...