daily reading: 04/04/16

8 years, 10 months ago by keninbali in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A
Guy Dear Swamiji, PAMHO, AGTSP. I hope that you will consider a trip to Bali for Govardhana Puja have your association, and I can send a ticket for you. I have been reading the small book titled :Lord Caitanya, his life and teachings. Reading about Mahaprabhu’s talks with Sarvabhaumya Battacarya has given me insight, especially after having lived in Indonesia for the past three years. I can see parralells between the Muslims and the Vedantist Mayavadis. I wonder if Krishna created Islam because those who are Muslims don’t have the intelligence to understand the absolute truth. On the whole, Islam seems to be a low class religion (for 5th class men?). I’m thinking of writing a guidebook for devotees visiting Bali from other countries. I want to write the historyof ISKcON in Bali, a comparison of Vaisnavism and Balinese Hinduism, and have a guide for the different Temples in Bali that willincludelocation, history of each temple, and guest facilities. Your servant, Ken HpS ASA - If Krsna wants we go to Bali. Now no plans after July 31st. Is Abhimanyu Das there? Book sounds great. We hear that, yes, Koran is like Tamasic purana. It is for people compelled by ignorance, but has the highest truths for those who want to go up, up, up! Your book sounds wonderful. Send us the Table of Contents! Oink.