The farming project at times feels a little overwhelming and physically exhausting, but the hope is to attain complete self sufficient living(along with pure love of Krishna) and therefore display the perfection of God centered living to this atheistic materialistic civilization.
-(Some of the places we have gone have been)- weird places. they are very coercive and persuasive, it seems logical and sashtrically sound what they are saying there. But it doesn't feel right, it feels a little cold hearted and resentful. Far too much criticizing and sectarianism, and what to speak of the claiming to be fully self realized gopi bhava vaisnava.
We are planting about 140 trees this year. Chestnuts, hazelnuts, Apples, plums, peaches, apricots, seaberrys, and pea shrubs. And about 200 berry bushes raspberry, blueberries, blackberries and goji berries. Hopefully we will be supporting the assembly of devotees with all the food and be pleasing you, Prabhupada and Krsna with this project.
Your everfallen servant,
Bhakta Daniel
HpS - potatoes? Bhakti lata bija?