Srinivasa travel report

9 years, 1 month ago by srinivasacarya in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Respected GuruMaharaja Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I am sorry, my annual report got delayed. I posted it in the 'Annual Disciple Report' section. My trip to India was good though it was very tiring. I came back sick two days ago and didn't go to work yet. It was probably Krishna's arrangement that we missed our connecting flight in Dubai. Sugopi and I were feeling bad that we will be in transit for your Vyasapuja tithi. However, due to missing the connection we got a hotel in Dubai. We were carrying a mridanga to US which we were suggested by airline staff to take as carry on. In the hotel we took a shower, put on tilak, clothes (dhoti, sarees), unpacked our Gaura Nitai and used a good table as altar. Found some flowers, fruits, nuts and bottled water for offering. In the middle of the airport, inside the hotel, we sang bhajans with mridanga, did pushpanjai and celebrated nice vyasapuja! I met Prahlad Narsimha prabhu and Sudhama Sakha prabhu in Mayapur. Prahlad Narsimha prabhu is doing great work on the next version of and he showed high level design to me. I think there will be tools that will be very useful for general users as well as serious students of Srila Prabhupada's books. Looking at how travel makes me fall behind on certain things and makes me sick I look with amazement how you accomplish what you do at your advanced age. Thank you for taking on such austerities for the benefit of conditioned souls like me. I very much miss our Srimad Bhagavatam meetings and looking forward for your association again. Your insignificant servant Srinivasacarya dasa

HpS - ASA Hare Krsna. So glad to get this report. No milk to offer? We will try to be on line tomorrow at 7a.m. Boise hour for Pada-padma. Have a very intense Sankirtan at every moment.