Begging for more sraddha

9 years, 4 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krsna dear Gurudeva!

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Caitanya's Sankirtana Movement

Dear Gurudeva, i hope your health improves as you stay in USA, i was reading the blog to get inspiration and i did, its amazing how you can take so much pain from the body with the consciousness of improving in spiritual understanding.

First i want to heart thank you for fluding us with your mercy by accepting our little service in Mexico and Monterrey cities, even when you don't need so much attentions, you only accept for owr welfare, so we can learn how to serve Krsna properly...

Guru Maharaja, in the last letter i told you i was having difficulties for chanting my rounds due to the heavy amount of services to do in a new preaching center and restaurant, adding sankirtana... in your answer you woke me up with a bucket full of water, i keep thanking to you:

HpS - "sraddha sabde...". Look for this verse cited in NoI and then look for the context and purports in the original location. If you chant 16-nice rounds ALL you other service and sense gratification will improve in the maximum possible way. Get up early and get your rounds done!

I have to admit it took me a LOT of time to finish my homework, but it was a whole revolution for my heart to recieve such mercy from my spiritual master, i readed the whole chapter of CC and got to comprehend that in both contexts, NOI & CC, Srila Prabhupada relates the amount of Sraddha or faith with the grade of taste we can get from the holy names, BECAUSE WE ARE SO WRECKLESS THAT WE DONT EVENT BELIEVE SOMETHING IS GOING TO CHANGE IF WE CHANT OR DO NOT CHANT PROPERLY... Thanks to that lecturing, i took the commitment to start chanting 20 rounds for the whole year, because for my lack of faith i often lefted 1 or 2 rounds without chant, i did my counts and if i keep this vow i can show some sincerity by paying all my debt.

Im not taking this as a burden but as a joy, because i realize that all my missfortunes and though moments in spiritual life are derived from that missbehavior. I'm feeling really hopefull by getting up early and chant my rounds, also more easy to get my services done!

Just two more things, Sri Radha (my fiance) moved here to Queretaro city so we can develope further our relationship, we all live like an ashrama, the house is big with 3 rooms, 1 for Vanamali Prabhu and his wife Thakurani (they send their obeisances unto you), 1 for man (another devotee and me) and 1 for woman (Sri radha and another mataji).

Last is a Question, do you remember i asked you about the 6 holes of the heart? lust, anger, envy, ilusion, madness and greed, can you help me  little more to understand? because Mother Devaki had to lose 6 childs before so her heart could be free from this 6 enemies in order to recieve Lord Krsna from Vasudeva (her spiritual master)

Thank you for taking your precious time to read all this...

Always aspiring to serve you in vani

Krsna-kirtana Dasa

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP!   We preach what we know, then Maya attacks us and we lose some of the realization of what we knows, then someone reminds us of what we preached when we knew, and it gives us strength to follow our own advice. Thank you for putting 16-rounds first. It helps me put them first!

I don't know much about the six contaminations you list. I see Srila Prabhupada mentioning them but have never developed much systematic understanding of them.  More specifically I have never heard before about how Devaki Mataji had to suffer death of six babies to get free from these six contaminations. I'm not saying its not true, maybe it is from one of the writings of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur. So, I can't give you more information in this regard. All I can suggest is to just keep getting up early and keep a full morning program in the association of devotees. Then mark out some plan for participation in the Sankirtan movement etc.

As we do this it will become easier and easier to actually start working on cultivating a real awakening taste in doing our chanting and other service, Raganuga Bhakti.

HpS ​