tovp inspiration!

9 years, 11 months ago by Christian in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Please accept muy humble obeisances

All glories to srila prabhupada

All glories to sankirtan movement

Dear gurudeva, the devotees with whom I'm doing translations from the temple of vedic planetarium to Spanish came with a great idea,

As you may know part of the donation campaign for the project includes interviews to some of the most known gurus and sannyasis in Iskcon (Jayapataka svami, Radhanath svami etc.) In the videos, they speak about the importance or this project worldwide and in terms of the guru parampara predictions, with durations of 3 up to 9 minutes.

So we started to think about to get interviews also in Spanish or English from the gurus and sannyasis who actually visit more often Mexico and other Latin American countries so the devotees get an extra inspiration to participate whether by donations or seva to that wonderful project.

Some gurus as H.H. Bhaktisundar gosvami already accepted to record a video, so my request to you is if you would agree to speak to Iskcon Latin America a few word about that subject?

Your aspirant to disciple Krsna-kirtana Dasa

HpS - ASA - Hmmmm! Very nice to hear from you. AGTSP, but we don't know so much about the project. We really can say less than you, other than it just inspires (frightens) us.

Our main concern is that we, ISKCON, grow big enough and pure enough to fill the Temple with devotional attitude and activities.