HpS - ASA --- Yamunesvara Das, We just answered this letter by e-mail. But it is super, super, super to see it here on the Blog also. Everyone should hear about Manipur. Everyone should help to spread K.C. in Manipur.
All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu
Radha Krsnaki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay
Please accept my humble obeisances unto to Sri Guruji’s padmacharan that I am so happy after getting Gurujis reply. On the other hand we are very sorry to know that Guruji will not come to Manipur this year but we are eagerly waiting February, 2016. For our kind information is there any special programme during May 7-12, 2015 in Braja (Vrndavana)? If somebody comes to Braja for other purpose can we see Guruji there or not? If possible please give us the exact location? Is it ISKCON Temple of Vrndavan?
HpS – AGTSP. Paoho. It is always so nice to hear from you and any Manipuri Bhakta. Please be merciful to us. We are just now fixing our program for Delhi. We are trying to meet with Prime Minister to release our next NIOS book, so it depends on his schedule. I think mostly we will be in Delhi temple and then go to Vrndavana just for a day, but I don’t know.
Please highlight the following quotations and questions?
The fortunate inhabitants of Pitrloka, who preside over the funeral ceremonies, made Aryama into a calf Bhagavatam 4.18.18
There are so many lokas mentioned in the previous chapters e.g. Brahmaloka, Chandraloka, Suryaloka, Indraloka, Dhruvaloka, Sivaloka, Satyaloka etc. Again in the Brahma Samhita 43 sloka mentioned that Lowest of all is located Devi-dhama (mundane world), next above it is Mahesa-dhama [abode of Mahesa], above Mahesa-dhma is placed Hari-dhama [abode of Hari] and above them all is located Krsna’s own realm named Goloka. Then the realm of Goloka stands highest above all other………. the first in order is this mundane world called Devi-dhama consisting of the fourteen worlds, viz Satyaloka.
From the above statements quoted from Bhagavatam and Brahma Samhita where will be the different Lokas situated and in which levels? And what are the fourteen worlds? In which books and where we could find the fourteen levels including the planet Earth?
HpS – ASA – SB 2.5.38 + ... there are details:
Below Bhu-mandala (~Earth) there are seven planetary systems: Vitala, Talatala, Atala... then bhur, bhuva, svarga, mahaloka, janaloka, tapaloka and jana-loka. Those are the 14-worlds. Gandhava loka is in Bhuva-loka. They are in different parts of the 14-worlds. We really know how to get to our ISKCON Temples and how to go out on Sankirtan. –[;0)---
Yours fallen servant
Yamunesvara Das
HpS – We send you more news as we get it, but if you have not done the sequence listed above on the Blog PLEASE try that. May you have all success in understanding Srila Prabhupada’s books and become the greatest ISKCON leader.