Regarding transcription

9 years, 11 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Hare Krishna dear guru maharaj,

Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

The NOI audio files are good maharaj, it is helping me to  understand the value of  upadesamritha. I am deeply thankfull for giving me the oppertunity to transcribe. 

I have been able to get up at 4AM, but after taking hot water shower, doing guru puja and  6 rounds, I am feeling sleepy  and going back to sleep at around 6AM and getting up again at 7AM. I normally am doing 6-7 rounds in the morning and rest of them I am doing while driving to work  or sometimes in the evening. 

I was able to chant 16 rounds in the morning, if I was not taking hot water shower maharaj. 

I am reading 1 verse of Bagavatham daily and doing service at the temple on weekend.  I am making progress on transcription and job is going fine maharaj. I am looking for a nice paying governement job near home, so that I can be little more relaxed in my life and chant better rounds.

Please take care of your health maharaj.

your servant

Nilachala Chandra Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. You are transcibing the second class? How far have you gotten. What about taking a cool-water bath. Bh.Vinode Thakura would have supper at 6PM. Take rest for 2-hours and then say good night to the rest of the family. Stay up all night writing, and then take nap just before breakfast.