Taking care of tulasi devi

10 years, 3 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare krishna Maharaj !!

Please accept my humble obiansces, all the glories to Srila prabhupada!

Maharaj remember  I told you in my first letters that I was taking care and worshipping Tulasi devi ? 

I wanted to ask you, since Iam travellng for one month , is  it posible that a non devotee takes care of tulasi Devi? By taking care i also mean cutting the manjaris .  Can she tell the mantras in spanish when she takes the manjaris? 

HpS - AGTSP paoho. I don't think so!

Ive heard that it is not convenient but this person takes care of our house when we are not here and she comes now three times a week to help me preparing the prasadam i have tought her how to make prasadam , i have told her who is tulasi devi ! She is a devotee of jesus christ, she is a religiuos person. The problem is that she eats meat. 

What would you suggest Maharaj? I would love to take her with me because my sadhana is complete when i chant my sounds with tulasi devi but i cannot take her in the plane sadly. 

My devotees friends will be aways in the summer also , wont be able to take care of her.

thank you Maharaj ! I hope you are very well ! 

My sadhana is going good! Looking forward to see you in peru in the summer! 

Hare krishna!!

HpS - Ask other devotees, but to me it would seem, by the mercy of Guru-Gauranga,  that if there is no one else to take care of Her then, yes, your house-keeper could cut the Manjari's to keep Her healthy.