Chicago Trip! ( Nov 12-17)

10 years, 4 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Hot Topics, Calendar Development


Wed 12 of November

Arrive to Chicago.12pm.

University of Illinois Chicago. 4pm. Conference. Science, psyche, and spirituality : Professor Carl Jung's encounter with the yoga mysticism of India.

Interfaith meeting  (St. Scholastica Monastery). 7pm. Discussion: Rituals of love : daily life of a Hare Krishna pilgrim

Th 13 of November

Morning SB class at 7:30am

Illinois Institute of Tech.  1pm.  Conference: Science, psyche, and spirituality : Professor Carl Jung's encounter with the yoga mysticism of India.

LOB movie . 6:30 pm (temple program) 

Fr 14 of November

Morning SB class at 7:30am

Northwestern. 12pm. Lunch with faculty or Interview with La Raza newspaper ( at the temple)

Bhakti Vrksa Latino 6:30 pm.

Sat 15 of November

Morning SB class at 7:30am

VTE Teacher training course.

Bhakti Vrksa. Premananda Mataji program in Naperville for Saturday evening.

Sun 16 of November

Sunday Feast class: Education with ISKCON: a report on the 2015 North American Education Symposium.At 1:15pm (and combine it with initiation).

Arati Kirtan. Q and A. Êvening Program.

 Mon 17 of November

Morning meeting with HH Romapada Swami (I will write to Maharaja and ask for availability)

Wedding. 10am

Departure to Nashville.  3:20 pm

That's all for now Gurudeva.

ys etasa krsna das

HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP! I sent a sample poster. We look at this as the first of a series of visits. It all depends on who becomes our friends, then we can do more and bigger programs in the area of academics and culture.
Thank you so much.