Poetry, Values, and Youtube

Hare Krsna esteemed Guru Maharaj,

Please accept out most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Very happy to get up at 4, chant, and read monkey warrior!  Thankyou for the profound essay you posted called Brain One. It satisfies many, many silly but not so silly desires to read literature (We look up to the writing style of Dudes like Robert Bly and Brautigan, but their muses are not so great so it's best we stay away until we're more spiritually mature.)  Should we write or draw Maharaj even if we feel there are 10,000 pending tasks to do?

 ASA - AGTSP!     Paoho. Yes.

If it is our nature to make art, should we not suppress it since it might come out our ears or through bouts of frustration, etc?  Thankyou for your psychological and spiritual guidance on this.

Maharaj, you asked in the last letter how the school is! The school just recently re-located to their own building 10 minutes from the temple. Ms. Viji made the investment, it was an old Kindercare and it is very spacious. It's been a whirlwind trying to get a school permit, so at this point the school is half day at the new building and half day at the temple. It is a little hectic and chaotic and sometimes we feel like we're at Sandipani Muni school again since our roles are continuously changing and everyday brings a new surprise, challenge.

I guess we are an admin/secretary/computer lab coordinator/van driver/Values teacher! [Chipmunk Body Building Teacher] 

We are grateful. We are also realizing we are still under a huge learning curve and pray the Holy Names and your mercy and Prabhupada's will pull us through. Through the work we see a lot of things we'd like to work on. Maybe this is what we can write about??? :)) [Super Girl and the Mountain of Tasks]

We are very very happy that the values curriculum is coming along (we teach 6 half an hour classes a week). We are a big fan of a children's workbook called Values of Life which teaches values such as obedience and tolerance through awesome kids cartoons, BG quotes, and Srila Prabhupada's teachings. We also role play and read Vedic stories that teach values. I'm also developing a workbook for the text Nirmala gave you , The Rise of the Sun Prince. We'd like to send a .doc copy to you Maharaj and humbly ask for your suggestions if you will allow us to send!

ASA - Ummmp! Graff,,, Brank -*&*   Grink!    Best is to just give a summary and then a specific example here: Eg. We inspire kids to always plan on returning what they steal later and that way they know that they are not really stealing they are just borrowing.

We get up early and finish at least more than half of our rounds 5 out of 7 days...if we don't were in deep trouble and face anxiety trying to chant most of our rounds after school. We hope to improve upon this aspect by the end of Kartik. We have also been going out on Sankirtan every Saturday with Hari Vilas's wife and Vishvambhar (Aka Bryant). Sundays we attend Bhakti Sastri (they start with BG here) and thereafter teach Sunday School.

Hope your health is good Maharaj. We look forward to future prose works and essays. Thankyou thankyou.
Your aspiring and fallen servant, 
Kamagayatri dd

HpS - ASA -- We look at life this way (and write about it in our TPP-CBs). It is impossible to keep an actual honest standard of pure and ecstatic,   @#$%^&,   devotional service in the current world without really giving up our current body. Therefore, we expect that we are going to get "A Love Injection from God" quick or leave this body and go to Goloka. Of course, the association of other madmen like Lord Caitanya can make it reasonably possible in this material world.

Hmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrf! We must all get eternal spiritual bodies so we can work together eternally under Srila Prabhupada's direct direction.

Srila Prabhupada standing up whipping the horses as they valiantly run across the massive war of Sankirtan with us and and Bhakti W. C. Fields thrown water melons on peoples heads.

(At 15-miles an hour watermelons can really knock somebody flat).