sexual orientation and your views

10 years, 5 months ago by shyamsundar in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A
Hare Krisna maharaj. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. PAMHO at your lotus feet. Maharaj thank you for replying to my questions. You had mentioned srila prabhupada's third canto explaination. But its given there that the demons were later attracted towards the damsel and were infatuated with a appetite for sex . It therfore means that they were actually heterosexual but due to lust were attracted to lord brahma. But gay people are not attracted to females. But the demons were attracted to females.Gay guys dont have uncontrolled lust or insatiable appetite. I think Srila prabhupada meant lust not gay people to be demoniac. Further srila prabhupada never treated his gay disciples any different than his straight disciples. 2) research by american society of human genetics in 2012 did a multi centric research on male sexual orientation. Data replicated hamer's Xq28 finding as determined by two point and multipoint LOD Score mapping . Authors concluded that "our findings taken in context with previous work suggest that genetic variations in each regions contributes to development of the important psycological trait of male sexual orientation. Q) Maharaj dont you think that it will be better to support gay devotees so that even they get the oppurtunity to go back to krisna by bhakti yoga ? Q) If a gay devotee is already in a monogamous relationship with a devotee partner, will you accept him/ her in Prabhupadas movement and give him or her the oppurtunity to serve Radha and Krisna. Thank you very much for helping me out by answering my questions. I know its difficult for you to answer my questions here because people might interpret it in a wrong manner . I am very very gratefull towards you maharaj. Your servant Shyamsundar HpS - ASA --- Yes, I would have to look up the exact citation in the (?) third canto. In general I think it is a complicated topic and the basis of four principles and 16-rounds a day makes a lot of it moot. Rama and Sugriva had a "vow of friendship" which was as binding as a vow of marriage. I don't know of any GBC rules about this, but as far as I know, anyone who is following the four principles and chanting sixteen enthusiastic rounds a day and has proper administrative approval can be initiated. That means that Krsna accepts them as His students. The whole process focuses on the soul, no? Homo, hetero ... these are all starting places, but if we advance in spiritual life this quickly falls away. My basic approach is that I initiate people who I know and who know me. Homo-sexuality is a secondary issue. '0'