Wonderful Visit


Esteemed Gurumaharaja: AGTSP!  pamho 

What a wonderful visit Dave and I had with you. 

Thank you for all your mercy!!!

Thank you for suggesting a seva for me.  i.e. coordinating with Auruvedic practictioner devotee.  After discussing with Dave, we think this will be too much for me right now.  I will be helping daughter with grandchildren fo r2 weeks in september if health allows.  Also, health ups and downs could make executing this faithfully, staying on top of it on a regular day to day basis, very difficult and stressful. 

For example, I have had a migraine every day since returning from san fran; have no idea why.  Please know how much I want to be at your service but do not want to committ to something unless I feel confident I  can see it through to a successful completion.

    HpS - ASA - Jaya!  It was very, very nice for us also. Very nice. Yes, I understand. It is very nice that you have such a good realization of how much you can do! Of course, Srila Prabhupada showed us how to use this body to the very limit, even when it was just skin and bones. It is like not throwing a way a jacket until it is just thread-bare, no?!!

Dave wants to send you a letter via post.  what is your mailing address please?........

HpS - Hanumatpresaka Swami; 2129 Stratford Road; Murfreesboro, TN 37129

This correspondence is once again a one-time opportunity on your blog.  The system still doesn't recognize me and I have to change my password each time.  Not sure what we are doing wrong.  You are dear to us.  Hare Krsna   I remain YWS Kalindi dd

HpS - Hmmmmf!   Let's see if you can solve the problem or we will try to ask our Blog Manager, Prahlada-nrsmha Das to help!! Krsna is always testing to see how much determination we have to overcome obstacles.

How much do we have??


If we have to log on 150 times to communicate,will we do it?

YES, SIR!! <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

O.K. News from the Highliands!