AGTSP ! Ohe Vaisnava Thakur !

10 years, 7 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A


Please accept our humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

It was such a special and intense weekend at the DC Temple and having your association in mangala arti, MP, EP, noon prasadam,your lectures, etc just after picking up the TPP at my parent"s (by the way we just can"t get enough of it, reading it over and over)  16 years have passed but it feels just like yesterday.  We thank Krishna for allowing it to happen, so grateful for those 3 days and everything else. Krishas mercy has no bounds !   You lectures were so helpful, in every sense. Hope to see you soon Maharaja !  We are taking care of parents and sisters now they need association. Going back to Montreal in a couple of weeks.  May Krishna keep you in heath and joy !

your servant


HpS - AGTSP  Was very nice for us also!, Now we have reached Denver and tomorrow go to Boise. If you keep up with the Sadhana then your exact service in ISKCON will automatically become more revealed. Maybe we can visit Montreal...