Again with Uruguay

10 years, 8 months ago by haribuddhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Dearmost Srila Hanumatpresaka Maharaja, 

Obeisances. Jay Srila Prabhupada!

My fellow friend, Rasamrita Sesa dasa, opened a preaching center in Uruguay, inspired in the new preach strategies. 

Then, we realiced, again, about how important is Your visit for inspiration and guide. 

Rasamrita`s guru, Krishna Ksetra Prabhu, is happy with this project. 

Then, at least for one or two days, You could inspire the devotees in educational programs. The last guru who do that was Dhanvantari Swami, and the devotees love it. 

Of course, arranges in academical fields can be made, according to your dates. 

Also, you have already an uruguayan disciple (Syamananda Pandit -who can use 3 different passports-). 

About me: as usual. Doing bhakti sastri with Laksmana Agraja (I waited 18 years for this), working in La Cantuta as communication advisor, and never leaving the rules and goal. 

Consider this for your next trip to SA. 

Wishing You`re well, I remain as Your servant, 

Haribuddhi dasa

     HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We are just starting to think about South American trip. Param-padam Das has program January in Cordoba. Schools are closed then, no? We are doing Carl Jung now. Please watch for news on that topic. The only thing in education preaching is to meet people and make friends. Understand how their understanding of reality fits into the SB and then help them advance.

You life sounds a lot more peaceful than before! More news as you have time.