Nitai Caitanya bolo re sobai !

10 years, 8 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A


Dear Maharaja

please accept my humble obeisances

Things here are going pretty nice.  I stay in the ashrama from Tuesday to Friday. Go out on harinama-sakirtan  book distribution every day with the bramacharis.  Also holding a program for junior devotees at home twice a week (with Brhadmirdanga das bramachari). I also keep editing the english translation to a book on leadership (orginal is in russian!).  We spent a nice week in Toronto in a seminar with Vaisesika prabhu and the bramacharis.  16 rounds daily, new readings: Nectarean Ocean of the Holy Name, the Art of Chanting, and got a copy of Waves of Devotion.  We are just missing your tpp cbs !!       my address is    ....    Health is ok, body still working good enough to serve Prabhupada's sankirtan and follow saddana.   We are also starting to reed and experience the Brahma samhita.  It seems there is no end to the quality and quantity of written material by the BBT and Prabhupada's disciples. We also got a copy of Vedic Astronomy and Cosmography bu Richard L. Thompson  (Satyaraj das - Sadaputa Das)   After the editing service we hope to write a proposal for a university program from selected  materials on your essays.   (Philosophy of nature, Jung in India, etc)  We also wrote small poems in the spirit of your earlier poems.  Will share them here soon.   

 Ohe Vaisnava Thakur !  receive my humble obeisances and gratitude


HpS - ASA - AgtSP. We talked with you thiso morning for about 20-minutes. Was very nice. We just go ahead. We are on the right path. Enthusiasm is more important than patience!