Dear Maharaja:
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I'm Maha Hari das temple president of Buenos Aires Argentina.
HpS - AGTSP! Paoho. We know you!!! So, so nice to have your association, even by letter!!!!
I'm writting you to recommend two aspirant diciples for formal shelter here in BsAs Mandir.
Bhaktina Belen Salinas
Bhakta Camilo ( currently in Australia yatra)
Bhaktin Belen has been doing service nicely for over 6 months and she is assisting the devotees in the pujari department. She is a nice young devotee that has a lot to learn and we hope you can consider her your servant.
Bhakta Camilo has lived in the ashrama the past year with us and now he traveled to Australia Yatra to live there.
He was doing book distribution and helping with the preaching programs here in B-aires. He followed nicely the morning programs and chant his rounds daily while he was here. Please consider him you sincere servant as well.
I also have news regarding bhakti luis ( AKA the baker)
Luis moved into the temple, he rented a room in the temple and wants to stay for a while with Us to recieved proper trainning. He works at the temple restaurant, few days a week and also do a lot of service in the temple. He has a baby boy Hari who he sees a couple of days a week. Luis rented his house so he can have some fix income, he uses half of that income to give to his child and the other have to rent a room in the temple. Also he works a the temple restaurant and uses that income for his own expenses.
We are going to take care of luis and help him to advance and rise him up to the level of a worthy servant and disciple.
We hope to see you again this year, please let me know when wuold you be coming to baires and please try to plan your visit anytime but december since we want the devotees to focus on the book distribution marathon.
looking forward to see you.
your servant
Maha. Hari das
temple president
HpS - ASA --- We have good communication with Belen and Marcos. We need their full-names, date of birth and please send their e-mail addresses to [email protected]
We should come to South America for two months during Feb-Apr. In Dec we are already pretty fixed for Tennessee to give some motivation to the preaching here!!!