What is Ideal Marriage.

10 years, 9 months ago by zareth bhaktin in Hot Topics, Other

Pamho, AgtSP! Dear Gurudeva.

Answer, what is the Marriage?

After listening and remembering what I've read, I will try to share what I understand about marriage Gurumaharaja .

Marriage is an agreement that two people make to society and families, who along with obligations and rights, with together, they can achieve progress in the spiritual process by putting Sri Krishna in the center and see completed projects that they are planned, family, work preaches and service. It is the stage at which test the tolerance, respect, honesty and loyalty, also the enthusiasm, determination and compassion for the couple.

The basis of all communication is, what one wait to the future short and long term and ensure that both have understood what the couple want, without false expectations that become disappointment. The expression of ideas and desires that everyone has and how that is displayed, it is important; spiritual growth, travel , children, work , etc. . The feeling is important but not the most important construction project, they need to admire the effort of the person in the service of Krishna to eventually develop true love

The word marriage / matris munium from two Latin words : the first " matris " , which means " mother " and the second , " munium ", " assessment or care ," coming to mean " mother care " in therefore considered that the mother was contributing more to training and parenting . Another possible derivation come from " matreum muniens " meaning the idea of ​​defense and protection of the mother , involving man's obligation to the mother of his children . Its very Interesting!

I heard a time in a course of Grihastha Ashram that to be an excellent Grihasta sometimes  first should try to be, at least, excellent Grahamedi , later, I heard the same thing in my class Bhakti Sastri and an assay of Kaunteya das , but everyone knows that the ideal is and always will be what Srila Prabhupada presents. I wonder if it is possible to know what you think on this point Gurudeva .


For now Prabhu Marco is looking to rent near temple alone or with a devotee, I still live with the devotees near the temple. The short-term plan is that I continue with my studies at university for 2 years more, and he will make service in the temple, and Sankirtan, search refuge in you Gurudeva and during this time the communication continuing in association of devotees.

Like any plan sounds good, but both know that always a beautiful rainbow appears, after big clouds , wind storms and cover the sun , so we hope tribulations but be firm and determined to fight to rescue Mother Sita in team . Guru Maharaj I ask for your blessings and I hope always life after life to follow the instructions of Srila Prabhupada following in their footsteps they are so merciful.

Her servant Satyabhama dd.

                 HpS - ASA --- Jaya. AGTSP. Paoho. Very nice description. Very heroic effor to write in English. I think you have some ability to write poetry in Spanish. You should develop it.

With Marco you can read the story of the marriage of Kardama and Devahuti in 3rd Canto. Like three chapters. They are example of Grhastha ashrama.

No, "ideal Grhamedhi" IS Grhastha. The result of feeding the fire oil is bigger fire. You are more and more addicted to lusty acts and finally separate in great hate, pain and frustration with NO benefit.