Nitay-Gour!!! Pablo.Parikrama.

10 years, 10 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja!


AgtGuru y Gauranga!

Mis reverencias Gurudeva!

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

I wish You are very well in health, and all aspects also.

Always is a nectar read DTC , Japa Joe and the cites of Japa Joe ( i think it can be Japa Joe Meditations-The Way of Japa Joe )

I want to say You, that by the grace of Krsna, Hari, You and devoties, I can go to India this 29. I arrived to India the 1, becouse I must stay 16 hours in Istambul...i expect see Mezquites, others places sooo much Maha-prasadam from Govinda Restaurant.  I arrived to Bombay 4:30 am of 1 May.

I think I will go to stay little days in the begining in Bombay, becouse I want stay the last  5 or 7 days of my pilgrimage month. I fly came back through Bombay again.

I want hear Radhanath Clases, eat sooo much Maha-prasadam of Radha-Gopinath, Govardhana-natha, and meet Govadhana Eco Village with Sri Radha Vrndavana Bihari.
Then I go by train to Kalkata, and Mayapur!!!!! I wish do some service for the Dham and Sadhus....Nrsimha Caturdasi!!!! Years dreaming seeee!!! NRSIMHA NRSIMHA NRSIMHA!!!!!!
And again by train to Bombay at the end.


Varuna had been with me 6 days in holidays. He is growing, and I can see is better for all. For He, and for me. He say that do Yoga all days...he say to boy Jesus and Boy Krsna, that want a old car...and all nigths want her " Hanuman tale ". I mix all I know for the tale. He want ear how Krsna, Hanuman kill the demons...Is all that I can do with my little qualities. Also, we bath together the Deaties, and that time he was doing the kirtana, chanting Hare Krsna , while I was doing the abhisek. His first time. The autentic spirituality let him not close his mind, and this make me very very happy. He have future, real future.

I dream with the day You give me initation. A lot of years dreaming. I am very gratefull and debt with You for allll Your mercy all this years. For show me the hand of Prabhupada, Krsna( God ), Devotial Services...

Forbide my long letter, I am little in pasion for all the news and events.

When I came back I must saving and saving for could do sankirtana and pay me debts.

Now is the first time that I have one spiritual desire. And I want make that desire.

The poem " The kiss of the sun for warmth..." is yours??

Yours, at Your feet Guru Maharaja.

Bhakta Pablo
Hare Krsna.

HpS - Jaya!  We hope you have very nice visit to India. Yes, you can take initiation. Just keep getting good rounds done or what is the use of your visit to India.