Request to consider a vistit to Richmond, VA

10 years, 10 months ago by msrinu in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupad and Gurudev.

It's been a while that I wrote anything on the blog and few changes have occured in my professional and personal life.  My personal life is going well with "Nitai Chaitanya Chadra" 's krupa. I'm regularly attending Bhakti Yoga club in VCU (weekly once) and discussing on different topics with students (from BG and Nector of Instructions). So far so good, at least 6 to 10 students became regular and we are doing Japa (small one 27 beeds) and Kirtan, a 15 to 20 minutes class and prasadam.

And also we started (past 8 weeks) a "conference call" (weekly once an hour) with devotees from different placess (join on the phone) and have a clsss primarly on BG, but we also discuss on Nector of Instruction and during festival times "Krishna Katha".

With all the above (including our regular Bhakti Vriksh) my reading became regular and I started reading BG and SB and my chanting became more focused (became my source of energy, especially when I'm puzzled).

Maharaj, Is there a posibility to consider a trip to Richmond, VA in your schedule? we are all (including our ISKCON of Richmond) sincerly requesting and we all feel blessed if you consider.

Please pardon my ignorance Maharaj, have question. In BG 9.4 Krishna says, "everything is in me, but I'm not not in them" and in Bg15.15 "I'm in everyone's heart". How do we understand these two statements Maharaj.

Always your humble servant

Subala Sakha Das

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Such nice spread of Bhagavata culture all over the world. Then greed for selfish pleasures decreases and the Earth becomes happy. 15.15 means the Paramatma, no? So Krsna is not exactly present as Gopal but as the Paramatma. It is like the person controling the front door over a security camera, but we can also consider what happens in the heart of a devotee. Like the Prince and Princess going into the prison.

We are just settling down after four months of travel. It was almost lethal, so we have to see how our body recovers. you can see the current ideas in the calendar link in the Kapi Dhvaja. We were thinking of going to Washington D. C.  How far is that from Richmond???

Thank yoiu for your association and all the work. We hope the kids are also seeing life from a high perspective!