Hare Krsna.PabloParikrama.

10 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics


Agt Guru y Gauranga!

Agt Radha y Krsna!

Pamho Maharaja!

Hare Krsna!

Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.

I wish You are soo good in all aspects, and that Your body health is more better.

I want to say a lot of things, but i will try to be brief without be bad speaker.

First I would like to thank you with all my heart for giving me a formal shelter (just just read the letter), Gurudeva. Dandavats Maharaja. But I would like to say that by His side I never felt helpless. Thank you so much.
On the other hand, I really do not know what I should do now to satisfy you. I would like to give as Dakshina my current Sadhana and my desire to not leave this Sadhana. Maharaja clearly see that I am in a phase of Vaanaprastha not want to leave.

I'm living in the caravan for a few days, but harder than home but more enjoyable. Hopefully in a few months to be on the road to do Sankirtana traveler, and to have more time to have plans.

My relationship with the family "farm" is already completely broken, these 3 years have only given me problems. Also spy that I speak here. For better or worse, my way now I'm alone. 

With Virginia-Varuna, all a bit chaotic, but it will solved little by little, I think.

I have tickets for India (April 29-May 29), but I have no money to even be safe in India (less important) or for VISA, so until the last day if I can not be 100% sure. 

As Maharaja see, all a bit beyond me and I'll never be able to, or should I do until the last moment.

Maharaja-I have a question, please; my deaties ask me more ornaments, opulence and quality, but long ago asked me otherwise. Nityananda want be Balarama and  Chaitanya misses problem backwards, likes do what Nityananda do, but are Avadhuta Nityananda Gauracandra, and they do not see it clear as can be opulent without being Krsna Balarama ( I neither ), while are Avadhuta-Mendicante . Gurudeva, How I can resolve this dispute?? ------- I have 500 gr Silver 1st grade I personally do paraphernalia and I've started the new dresses.

My spiritual life, thanks to you, Guru Maharaja, is increasing, very happy, and trying to follow His steps and dance with every step. I have many personal achievements and ask that only increasing, and that His steps, His feet and Krsna are well clear always before me.

I beg you, please, when you decide to give me the mercy of diksa.

At His feet. 

Hare Krsna Maharaja. 

Bhakta Pablo. 

(The jewels are gifts of Virginia, the mother of my child. Necklace is very special, is Nepal, "Skin Dragon" in honor of the sect Buddhist Nepali. This is a necklace that used a Nepalese family in special ceremonies. The big silver ring is also special, is ceremonial Tuareg, everything, including casting, made by them)

                      HpS - AGTSP Wow!  Your life and letter and more complicated than we can handle. It is work but you have to cultivate some associates locally from whom you can get this detailed advice. It is work but do it!