Report from Toronto

11 years, 5 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 
It has been too long since I last wrote. Reading the kaphi dvaja inspired me to finally write. I suffer from procrastination. Regarding the date for next year's ratha yatra festival on Toronto it will be the second weekend of July - the 12 and 13 of July 2014!! We look forward to hopefully see you!

     HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Yes, so nice to hear from you. O.K. RY dates are on our Calendar.  We are sure inclined to come, and now it is on the Calendar.

Yogendra and I are having a daughter :) She is expected on November 11. Very soon basically. Of course we are not agreeing on a name... Maybe you have some suggestions maharaja?

            HpS - Very nice. She's not an ordinary person.  One factor is that the day of the week she appears fixes the first letter of the name. That is why P'pada kept same first names at initiation (I hear). So, ask some Vedic Indians to help. Beyond that I don't have any ideas, but don't start arguing where she will go to college yet. (Ha!  Ha!  Ha!)

When I sent the last letter I forgot to include a question. One of my husband's friends got us a set of Gaura Nitai deities in April. Recently we started to do regular offering of incense in the morning. Should we do a more elaborate arti or simply incense is ok?

          HpS - Is nice to offer a flower.  You and Yogendra can even look for flowers to steal during the day.

I become afraid that They don't get such a high standard of worship as that in the temple and therefore are committing offenses.

          ASA - Main offering is love.  That will tell you what to do. Second is cleanliness and Third is punctuality. Set a time standard you can do. Fourth is all the details in the Deity worship hand book. Be sure to give them regular classes so they get good character development and don't grow up to be crimminals.

My sadhana is steady. Chanting 16 rounds, 4 principles. Currently reading 4th canto of Bhahavatam about Prthu Maharaja. He just became content with only performing 99 horse sacrifices.

              HpS - We are on Chapters 17-18 this week.

I am glad to hear you are healthy.

Your aspiring servant, Rasa-mandali devi dasi

                      HpS - ASA -  Your aspiring, guru, teacher, counselor.   Please give our respects to Yogindra Ji and your family and President!