AGTSP! paoho. We received a nice hand written letter from Radha-carana Devi Dasi in Vrndavana. She is from Panama but has got the mercy of staying in Vrndavana Dhama for a long time now!!! (What has happened with Cakori Radha, Vrnda, Prabhu Ji?)... We are not sure the address of internet where we sent the answer is correct so we are posting here also. Contains news about chance to serve Radha kunda:
AGTSP Esteemed Radha-carana Devi Dasi and Varuthapa Ranganatha Dasan et al,
Paoho. We are in Barcelona and Spain for the last day. Thank you Mataji for the nice letter. We looked at it with devotee here and appreciated it very much. I don't know if this address still works so we will publish this on the Blog also. Please write to the Blog with your news. 1) Yes, seems fine for us if you are painting Silas if you are following your initiation vows strictly and the propietors of the Silas are also following. 2) Thank you for the drawing of Hanuman and the picture of him fighting with Ravana's uncle. I wonder where this story is from?? 3) You news of Radha kunda is super. We envy you and Tunga-vidya Devi Dasi that you can stay there. Maybe after 5 or 6 years we will also be able to stay there and do some service. You mentioned that you are starting a Radha-kunda cleaning project and you need equipment and then devotees can help when they come. How should devotees help with donations for the equipment? What do you need? Please answer the letter on the Blog! Please go on with your wonderful journey!!!!!