Spain Visit Madhuchandra

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami maharaja,
Please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It feels like it took me a long time to reply regarding our family's options for Spain, but here goes. Marriage is May 13, arrival near NVM the evening after, the 14th. We leave from Madrid, the 21st. A friend arranged a bungalow from one of the devotees nearby NVM, apparently about 10 minute walk. I have looked into the option to travel to Valencia for initiationceremony, but sad enough i had to conclude it doesn't work out very well for us. Monetary situation is a bit uncertain, but also for our little Mani, who will be 5 months then, a bit young to subject to that much travelling. I'm sorry to not be able to follow your suggestion.

I have a letter of recommendation, but it might be different than requested. TP Markandeya asked me to write down the basics for such a letter, but i wrote from a personal point of view, which wasn't quite the standard, he said. He did accept the content and signed it, but mentioned to put it before you to ask if you think it's okay, otherwise we'll do it again, and he'll write it. I added a scan in two pictures below.

What else is going on? Besides familytime and keeping up nicely with the 16-4 i started adding content in Dutch to the national Hare Krishna website, specifically articles written by Sadaputa prabhu. I've always liked him, and i guess you inspired me in Brussels with the science topics. Plus i heard you mention TKG's remark how science is such an important preaching field. Other than that, i just finished condensing 7th canto chapter 2 to 8 into a short story of 4300 words for our magazine. It came out very nice, Hiranyakasipu & Prahlada's story with some of the philosophy. A nice read for young and old. Now i can go back to science articles again, and i will investigate how to publish e-books online. To start with, we have Dhaneshvara's nice book about economics and Bhagavad-gita in Dutch. Idea is to start with an e-book, make money, then print real books. And to see what could be next to put out. So, happy in service! Sleeping and getting up is a bit unregular though. Could use some improvement.

And a thank you note for the great classes that you gave to the internet group, last december and january. I guess it was the facilitator who was so kind to record and put them online. They were deep, insightful, and very rich in connection with thoughts on society. Also it is nice to follow your classes from Australia, both visually and auditive. I'm very happy to follow you.

Good luck in India, and with all your projects, and see you in Spain! Hare Krishna, dandavat pranam.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Richard van Dijck

HpS - ASA -  Jaya... AGTSP   paoho.       We are in Kolkatta. We will write a DTC in just a few moments with your newz.    Then it seems that we can do a ceremony in NVM, no?  It doesn't have to be very elaborate. We can do it in the cowshed. Ha!   Ha!  Ha!          Very inspiring your writing.  We can talk a lot about that when we meet. I think your family will be very, very refreshed by NVM!!    Moooo!