Recommendation for Mirabai and an invitation to visit Valencia

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaja!

Please accept my our humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

My name is Tirtharaja Dasa, and I serve as an (almost) a temple president of (nearly finished) ISKCON Valencia (Spain) temple. We are in the midst of construction works of the new temple and our inauguration date, by Krishna's mercy, is set to 31 of March. I am writing for two reasons, one is a recommendation letter for bhaktin Mirabai, and another one is to invite you to visit us in May, during your visit to Spain.

Yadunandana Swami asked me to do the recommendation letter and necesary formalities (the exam and so on), since Mirabai lives in Valencia. Maharaja is very much in favour of Mirabai taking the vows and your shelter through a Harinama initiation. I´m happy to recommend Mirabai Platón for Harinama initiation. As far as I know she has been chanting a minimum of 16 rounds of japa every day strictly for at least one year and following the regulative principles for more (much more) than one year. Moreover, she has successfully completed the official ISKCON initiation exam, proving sufficient philosophical knowledge. As an ISKCON devotee living outside of the temple, she has been doing regular morning programs and puja at home for many years and is active member of our community.

We would like to invite you to come and visit us during your May visit to Spain. Valencia is hour and a half by train from Madrid (AVE) and some 3 and a half hours from Barcelona by train too. If traveling by car, the distance is pretty much the same, 3 and a half to 4 hours from both cities. 

Your servant,

Tirtharaja Dasa

      HpS -  Jaya!  AGTSP  paoho.   Thank you so much.  Can you send us Mataji's full name and date of birth at [email protected] ?   Also her e-mail address?    She is on the Japa forum many days each morning.      We would like to visit Valencia.   Our visit this time is being organized by Jayanta Das.  You can talk with him and he would have the best idea of what is practical!!   BEST OF WISHES for your Temple inauguration and more and more and more success!!!