Hare Krsna - Re-initiation - Mbc DD

12 years, 3 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are You, Maharaja? I hope, better.

     HpS - ASA -   AgtSP     Paoho...     Please read the DTC for answer!!

Thank you for your answer what due to my defect i don't really understand <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/15.gif" title="" />
You sent it:
"UNDERSTANDING SIKSA: How many intimate disciples did Lord Caitanya have (Hint: Less than 10)."
My answer: Six goswamis (but mostly Rupa and Sanatana), Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, Sivananda Sena, Haridas Thakura?
But Lord Caitanya had intimate associates also who weren't His disciples but He met Them in person.
Is there anybody in Caitanya Lila who didn't met Lord Caitanya personally?

Ok, Srila Prabhupada is our siksa guru, but we need to associate with a living Bhagavat Person, no?

Or maybe if we are so elevated, we don't need personal contact.

Maharaja, You sent me once "I don't think it is necessary to take Diksa vows again. If your Diksa guru was properly situated when you took them, then Krsna and Srila Prabhupada accepted them."

And i felt that's all right because i need "just" guidance but now i feel i need a closer relationship.

Please, Maharaja can You accept me as your disciple?    Please, don't reject me, without Your mercy i'm nothing.

The tiny part what i understand from Guru tattva i know from You.
You gave me so many things, but i have not too much use.

I just get up at 2.30-3 am, not so early like Your disciples. Take part on Mangala arti, chant with devotees, read just 1 hour daily but i try to improve because i know Your reguirement is 2 hours, and go to distribute books and preach once a week.
Not too much but from Your mercy i hope i can make progress.
Monday Vaisesika Prabhu, Nirakula and Jaya Bhadra Matajis will arrive to Hungary. I can't wait to associate with Them.
Last year i couldn't take part Vaisesika Prabhu's sankirtana seminar but now it seems i can.
Madhavanda Prabhu and His wife were here for a week also, we heard so many Krisna and Gaura kathas, it was nice.
I try to meditate on positive things and don't engage in negative and bad things.
This is my life nowadays...

Thanks for your patience.

Your servant,
Sri Radhe dd

    HpS - ASA  ---  Jaya!   3-1/2 intimate associates.      I don't know where it is written, but if you ask most senior devotees they will say that.  It's at least one place in CC:   1) Svarupa Damodara, 2) Ramananda Rai, 3) Siki mahiti, 3-1/2) SIkhi-mahitis Sister.

             Ooof!   Yes!       Prabhupada explains where he introduces this number that in Vedic culture women are counted as 1/2 a person.  Ooof!    Such and intense culture for a modern woman.  We are reading SB 3.23 now for our BhVai studies. It describes Devahuti's standard of chastity, the standard of womanhood, wife-hood. How ever, I experiennce that Srila Prabhupada demanded that standard of chastity toward himself as Sannyasa guru from his Sannyasi disciples also.

So, there is no limit to how much a devotee in a female body can be an intimate associate of a devotee in a male body or vis-a-versa. Like Lord Caitanya and Sikhi-mahiti's sister, the intimate connection has very little to do with the external, gender, or religious ritual, connection.
The real intimate connection is service. If we understand the service position of someone in terms of the Parampara, their Acharya, and are acting in an intimate fashion in that service, then we have an intimate relation. Of course, then it is easy to understand that this is not going to be determined completely by our desire. It will also be determined at least by the desire of the Parampara. Lord Caitanya PUT Raghunatha Das Goswami under the care of Svarupa-damodara, so they had an eternal intimate relationship.

You can see that it is simple but grows in detail. Like any living thing.

    So, is that a little clearer idea of our understanding of Guru?  I, our Acharyas, as far as I understand, don't emphasize Diksa, rather Siksa. Both are important but the emphasis is on Siksa.

   The next question might be, did Srila Bhakti-vinode Thakura take Diksa from Jagannatha Das Babji or did he consider the Diksa he received from Bipin Vihari to be sufficient.  I will ask Bhakti-vikasa Swami tommorrow night.    (Amazing a Siksa guru shows up just when you need one (Ha!   Ha!    Hare!))).

     O.K.   Please send us news of the meeting with Vaisesika and Matajis.   I have confidential relations with Vaisesika and Mother Jaya Bhadra due to past service co-operation with Srila Prabhupada. It is eternal!      -{:O)+
