Sleeping Less

asa[e] vaidhi bhakti

All glories to Prabhu pada, 

I am a Brahmachari from India and met you in Amsterdam.

I wanted to ask you ,how I can reduce my sleep to 4 hours daily.

For a long time I try it by reduced eating and regulation but I have to take 5 hours rest to the body.

Your servant

Bhagavan das

HpS/ASA - AgtSP.

We remember H. H. Tamal-krsna Goswami commenting to Srila Prabhupuada that one devotee in Los Angeles was sleeping more than six hours a day.

Srila Prabhupada answered firmly, that what was the difficulty with that if, when he was awake, he did three times as much work as TkD did.

Hmmm. Big topic, but seems that some jobs require that we let the body sleep more to recover.


To our mind, we remember that the American philosopher, Benjamin Franklin commented that one should not eat to dullness.

Jayananda Das told us that he had tried so many diets but the one that actually seemed to work was: Don't eat too much and work hard.

Chant HK/HR while you eat, while you fill your plate, while you digest.

Pray to Krsna to engage your senses in His service etc.

I useful?

We might be able to say more but please post in our Blog. Then the dialog can be useful to many other devotees.

Thank you!!