Kala chandji Dhama

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I hope you were able to leave Houston before the Thunderstorms came in.

The day after Sadhu Sanga, we had a very bad thunderstorm in Dallas and 80 mph winds.. About 1 million ppl lost power and it is still being restored. Thankfully we were not affected by the power outage.

Radhanath Maharaja was here for a few days after Sadhu Sanga and I was able to present him with a copy of TPP. Maharaja wanted me to convey his gratitude to you. This Sunday, we will have Candramouli Maharaja give the Sunday feast and I'll try to give him a copy too.

Should I ship a few copies to Srirama so that he can distribute it when you are in Atlanta?

HpS/ASA - Let us ask him when we talk.

We went for Mataji's check up today and everything looks ok. The baby is not in any worry for now. Four more weeks before birthday.

HpS-ASA - Hare Krsna.

Srinivasa Das says he can be agent for Amazon NIOS.

Maybe talk with him before he leaves on Sunday.

Thank you... all.