current calendar

10 months, 1 week ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development


.. 🌴 🌴 🌴

. .🌴

h. g. sri hari das - Dear Maharaja, pamho. agtsp. Maharaja, as you mentioned you are going to Houston around April 16th, when are planning to return to Nashville. Ys shd

hps/asa - agtSP... paoho...

how are you? how is your japa 📿

. . . sattvica principles?

. association?



twitter, kapi-dhvaja,

. blog 🐸



the sun 😎

is now at 2.36am, murfreesboro []TN[].

our body🐷

. . is at about 15-25% energy.

but we are charging.



. . 💥

krsna krsna.

.. hare hare...



. we have been trying to communicate that our formerly unpredictable body [dukhalayam asvasvatam] has now become rather more unpredictable.

[[[guess the same for you]]]

struggling to chant 16-enthusiastic rounds.

paralyzing headache last two dazes.

but good at heart.

. . . and recharging, setting up campsite 🎪

🏳🔴🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳=} plans

  1. be gbc of our bead bag for the next breath. sit properly.... kkhh
  2. tweet, blog [whatsapp] - team building 🐒
  3. 🐒 🐒🐘
  4. based in The Boro at least [?] until Sita devi avirbhava 16 May.
  5. . . . die after our current breath.
  6. team build [tb].
  7. go with you, ngd, abhiseka d, shyama sakhi dd, subhadra dd. . ., for day trip, to Houston? ramanavami??? tb with houston ISKCON.
  8. rent store front.
  9. purchase land/buildings for NIOS Campus Development.
  10. publish, books, movies [pablo, raul, raul, raul, artd, smdd...]
  11. cooperate with KRSNA's plan, work, kkhh. 🙂

⚡ ⚡

and your reverend self 👑 ??? . . . we were making our plans, perspective, attitude in terms of your comment that you expected to arrive 5th April ☁


thank you. 3.36am. one professional monkey hour = 226 🍌