AI and Lies

asa[e].. ug.. ai

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja,


Just wanted to share below insights of experts into the future world of Artificial Intelligence.

From a Linkedin Post:

Adolph Hitlers propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels purportedly said: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” Gary Smith finds that “[large language models] can generate falsehoods faster than humans can correct them.”

Gary has been reporting on his humorous exchanges with ChatGPT for more than a year, sometimes asking the same questions to see if ChatGPT’s answers get better; they don’t. One of those questions involves how many bears the Russians have sent into space (correct answer is none) in which he shows that the answers are not getting logically better, but funnier.

Main article:

Your servant

Srinivasacarya Dasa

HpS/ASA[UG] - Thank you!!! 🐻 We have learned how to do keystrokes to get the Emojis into the page. You know? .... you type ":" and then put the proper keyword afterwards eg ":bear" and you get the bear emoji.




We remember how Srila Prabhupada was saying that all these televisions were not useful. (We understand that traveling Puppet shows and local Puppet shows are better).

He said that in the whole world maybe two, three dozen televisions were needed.

One in Moscow. One in Beijing. One in the Vatican. One in...

... people develop memories! People talk with their neighbors. Brahmanas like Vyasa deva can give people like Sanjaya TV in their hearts.

WHTSTSPS (we heard they say that srila prabhupada said) that if you follow strictly and your children follow strictly then your grandchildren will be traveling on flying carpets.


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