Jayanta Das Blog Content/Focus

1 year, 1 month ago by jayanta in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. Toda gloria a Srila Prabhupada y sus seguidores fieles.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. También mis reverencias a todos mis hermanos blogueros.

No le pregunto por su salud porque leo el blog de forma regular. Tampoco le deseo nada que no sea aumentar su relación con Krishna más y más.

La carta anterior parece ser que fue absorbida por la magia de internet. ¿fue un arreglo de Krishna para que nadie leyera lo que escribí? No lo sé, pero voy a volver a poner las cosas que recuerde.

En primer lugar, quería decir que cuando leo las cartas de mis hermanos espirituales, observo que la gran mayoría tienen un gran avance y entrega al guru. También veo que tienen cualidades devocionales de las que yo carezco y tengo que desarrollar. Gracias a todos por la inspiración.

También quiero decir que el blog es una gran aportación a la comunicación entre guru y discípulos y a la forma de desarrollar una familia espiritual con personalidad propia (aunque la familia “ISKCON” es muy grande y todos pertenecemos a ella); en el blog se desarrolla un humor especifico interesante.

He observado, posiblemente de forma subjetiva (u objetiva), que algunos temas desentonan un poco en el blog y deberían ser tratados en otros foros:

-. Los problemas mundanos matrimoniales o de pareja deberían tratarse en un foro exclusivamente de grihastas (o vanaprasthas ex grihastas). No es un tema para sannyasis ni brahmacaris. Tampoco es necesario debatirlos en foros amplios.

-. Los temas administrativos también pienso que se podrían tratar en otro foro, sobre todo cuando la pasión es muy resaltante y se acerca a la ignorancia. No aportan mucho al grupo de blogueros y generan mas ansiedad que paz, o más pasión que bondad.

Por supuesto que todos los temas deben ser abordados de alguna manera, pero en mi opinión, cada tema en su foro. El sannyasa (brahmana) debería centrarse mas en los temas puramente filosóficos y espirituales y dejar las cuestiones que son puramente administrativas a devotos con un nivel de pasión y de educación relevantes.

 En cuanto a mi persona, solo puedo decir que mantengo intacto el deseo de volverme devoto y que sigo luchando (cada día) por permanecer a flote cantando las rondas mínimas prescritas por el acarya y siguiendo los principios básicos de la vida humana tal como él lo pidió. En Kali yuga nada es sencillo si no se está bien asociado y ese es nuestro reto: mantener un equilibrio entre la vida familiar responsable y buscar la asociación de buenos devotos que nos inspiren en la lucha por acabar con los deseos materiales para servir con pureza a Dios.

Sin mas y esperando las bendiciones de todos los blogueros para seguir avanzando en el camino de vuelta a Dios se despide

Vuestro sirviente

Jayanta das.

P.D. Espero que esta carta no sea anulada por la magia de internet.


Dear Gurudev, Pamho. All glory to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful followers.

ASA - 👍

Please accept my humble obeisances. Also my bows to all my blogging brothers.

ASA - 🐸 🐶 . . .😺 🐕 ... 👳

I don't ask about your health because I read the blog regularly. I also do not wish you anything other than to increase your relationship with Krishna more and more.

ASA - 🙏 📿

The previous letter seems to have been absorbed by the magic of the internet. Was it Krishna's arrangement so that no one would read what I wrote? I don't know, but I'm going to put back the things I remember.

First of all, I wanted to say that when I read the letters of my godbrothers, I observe that the vast majority have a great breakthrough and surrender to the guru. I also see that they have devotional qualities that I lack and have to develop. Thank you all for the inspiration.

I also want to say that the blog is a great contribution to the communication between guru and disciples and to the way of developing a spiritual family with its own personality (although the “ISKCON” family is very large and we all belong to it); An interesting specific humor develops in the blog.

ASA - 🐸 🌴 🌴

I have observed, possibly subjectively (or objectively), that some topics are a bit out of place on the blog and should be discussed in other forums:

-. Worldly marital or relationship problems should be discussed in a forum exclusively for grihastas (or ex-grihastas vanaprasthas). It is not a topic for sannyasis or brahmacaris. Nor is it necessary to debate them in broad forums.

ASA - Super! Thank you. We, HpS et al, try to follow the guidelines Srila Prabhupada uses in the pages of SB for these Grhastha and political issues as a Sannyasis. We try to follow his standard, no more, no less, but we need the perspective of Brahmanas from cultured places like Spain to refine our standard. Thank you.

-. I also think that administrative issues could be discussed in another forum, especially when the passion is very prominent and approaches ignorance. They do not contribute much to the group of bloggers and generate more anxiety than peace, or more passion than kindness.

ASA - Yes, again. We tried to transfer the Grhastha issues and Peru political issues to proper subgroups as much as possible. About 80% of the those discussions were in subgroups.

We hope our readers use your comments and skip over certain streams. Otherwise, some of our ASA community involved in the Peru issues felt relieved that the topics were dealt with in this forum in a public and much, much less passionate way.

Of course all topics must be addressed in some way, but in my opinion, each topic has its own forum. The sannyasa (brahmana) should focus more on purely philosophical and spiritual issues and leave matters that are purely administrative to devotees with a relevant level of passion and education.

HpS - So, so, nice. So nice. Thank you. We try to deal with politics like a Sannyasi. When dhanam, janam and sundarim are discussed it is always open for publich scrutiny. For example, Vidura gave straight political, family advice to Dhrtarastra even though he had taken sannyasa.

Pariravaka acharya should talk about these things from one level and a paramahamsa sannyasi from another level.

Basically we are 99.999% finished with politics and administration in ISKCON, after 10-years on the LA Regional GBC et al.

Hari bolo!

 As for myself, I can only say that I keep the desire to become a devotee intact and that I continue to fight (every day) to stay afloat by chanting the minimum rounds prescribed by the acharya and following the basic principles of human life as he said.

he asked. In Kali yuga nothing is simple if one is not well associated and that is our challenge: maintaining a balance between responsible family life and seeking the association of good devotees who inspire us in the struggle to end material desires to serve with purity. God.

Without further ado and waiting for the blessings of all the bloggers to continue advancing on the path back to God, he says goodbye

Your servant

Jayanta das.

P.S. I hope this letter is not canceled by the magic of the internet.

HpS/ASA - We see it very fine. 🔬

Thank you. We hope others make their comments on these topics also.

All glories. ALL GLORIES to Sri Sri Radha Govinda-candra!