1 year, 2 months ago by srinivasacarya in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Below message is for my God brothers and God sisters who will be in Houston for Vyasapuja.

This message is for English-speaking, non-Latino disciples of Hanumatpresaka Maharaja who will physically attend his Vyasa Puja in Houston on January 13th.

  1. If you would like to present an in-person verbal offering to Guru Maharaja on January 13th event, please join this WhatsApp group as soon as possible so we can add your name and reserve a time slot: .
  2. Requests for making in-person verbal offerings to Maharaja on January 13th won't be accepted after January 5th. The guidelines for presenting offerings are as follows: (a) Please bring a written offering. (b) Please limit your offering to 3 minutes. 
  3. We are also assisting devotees with information about accommodations and any pick up/drop off help we are able to offer. Please join the above whatsApp group to request help. Sundari Radhika previously posted about the whatsApp group here: but I think there may be devotees who plan to be in Houston but not in the group.

 PS: Latino devotees visiting Houston will present their offerings to Maharaj on January 11th.

Your servant

Srinivasacarya Dasa

HpS/ASA - 👍


.. 👍

what about people who want to make offers to the Parampara but are not initiated by HpS!!??

[12/26/2023 3:59 PM] Srinivasa Das Hou: If they join the group I will collect

Same WhatsApp group

🐵 - Great!