Querido Querido Gurumaharaja
Por favor, acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Deseándole lo mejor y agradeciéndole por toda su infinita misericordia hacia nosotros, que sin su guía e instrucciones no podríamos mantenernos en este hermoso proceso de Conciencia de Krishna.
Primero quiero enviarles un resumen de la situación actual del Templo del Cusco en el último año:
1. El año pasado, el padre GoraRupa, por motivos personales, renunció a la presidencia del Templo. Les pidió a los devotos que ya no podía ceder el espacio de su casa que había dado para los programas del Templo porque tenía que venderlo, y pidió que lo quitáramos. la parafernalia del Templo.
2. Una parte fue llevada a la casa del Sr. Girisutarani y el Altar de las Deidades lo llevé a mi casa. Querido Gurumaharaja, después de regresar del P. Maldonado, estuve apoyando el programa, y como sucedió en el 2014, una vez más me confiaron las cosas del Templo y su Señoriar Goura Nitay.
3. Estábamos a cargo del programa, M. Girisutarani devi dasi y P. Govardhana, quienes con los devotos de Yatra llegaron a un acuerdo: realizar programas de Nama Hatta y hacer colectas hasta que pudiéramos tener nuestro propio local, conociendo las limitaciones económicas del Yatra.
4. Estos programas de Nama Hatta no eran constantes, pero los festivales de Balarama y Janmastami se celebraban en la casa del Sr. Giri y en nuestra casa.
5. La primera reunión que tuvimos en la casa de la Madre Giri en 2022, realizamos un abhisek para su señoría Goura Nitay donde participaron algunos devotos. Fotos más tarde.
6. Este año, los programas de Nama Hatta continuaron realizándose, no con mucha frecuencia, pero las fiestas se celebraron como el año pasado.
7. Estimado Gurumaharaja, todas estas actividades se realizan con la supervisión del P. Mathuresh, quien nos invitó a formar parte de la Junta Nacional y gestores temporales del Yatra Cusco, el mismo que venimos participando en las reuniones semanales (cada 15 días).
8. De acuerdo con las políticas del GBC Regional, en una ciudad puede haber 2 o más namahattas, por ahora están los programas que hacemos y el programa que hace P. Goura Rupa.
9. Empezamos a hacer programas de predicación en las calles, hace dos sábados hicimos Sankirtan. El Señor Krishna hizo arreglos para los trabajadores municipales. Hay una Madre muy entusiasta, participan en todos los programas con su esposo Erick, ella está haciendo el curso INTRO con LAD y es candidata a iniciación. También un amigo del Templo B. Jesús, que a pesar de sus problemas sigue participando en los programas y nos ayudó a conseguir una carpa a juego con los puestos de la feria donde íbamos a vender libros, el Señor Krishna se manifiesta de muchas maneras. . Era muy estático y eso inspira y emociona a los devotos, publicamos todo en nuestra página de Facebook.
10. We will continue to organize more activities and hope that more devotees will participate in the service for the sake of the Yatra. That's all I can report.
Personalmente, les agradezco de nuevo su infinita misericordia y por permitirme participar en su FMP, que es muy importante para nosotros. Por ahora no estamos trabajando en una empresa sino como contable independiente, el mercado es muy competitivo, otros compañeros cobran muy barato, pero estamos más o menos bien. Mi esposa está trabajando en Abancay, a 4 horas de Cusco, están con mis hijos, ella es parte de la Carrera Docente, es decir, trabaja para el Gobierno, de ese lado somos muy buenos, viajo con frecuencia a Abancay para asociarme con ellos.
En cuanto a la adoración a la Deidad, debido a mi situación, no la hago a diario, sino que la hago cuando los devotos vienen a hacer el programa, dos veces al mes. Pero mentalmente ofrezco el bhoga para Sri Sri Goura Nitay.
Querido Gurumaharaja, estamos en una situación complicada, no sabemos si somos la persona adecuada para hacer este servicio, pero aquí estamos, el Señor Krishna nos puso en esa situación (así creemos). Solo recordamos la última vez que pudimos servirle en Cusco, cuando nos dijo: "Una vez Srila Prabhupada envió a un discípulo, sin ninguna experiencia, a dirigir un templo, el devoto tenía muchas dudas, pero SP le dijo que no descuidara a Mangala Arati y sus rondas, entonces todo estaría bien"...
Querido Gurumaharaja, te agradezco tu tiempo y paciencia al dirigirte esta carta, siempre estaré en deuda contigo, y te ruego que, aunque esté en el infierno, me permitas seguir sirviéndote desde allí. Que el Señor Sri Krishna derrame Sus Bendiciones sobre vosotros. Jay Gurumaharaja.
Hare Krishna.
Su inútil aspirante a sirviente
Govardhana das
PD: Querido Gurumaharaja, las fotos son de los programas celebrados este año, en Goura Purnima, Janmastami y Balarama Purnima (M. Girisutarani dd House), el programa de distribución de libros se ve en Bhn Margot y Bhk Jesus.
Dear Dear Gurumaharaja
Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Wishing him the best and thanking him for all his infinite mercy towards us, that without his guidance and instructions we could not maintain ourselves in this beautiful process of Krishna Consciousness.
HpS/ASA - AgtSP!!
First I want to send you a summary of the current situation of the Temple of Cusco in the last year:
1. Last year, Father Gora-Rupa, for personal reasons, resigned from the Temple presidency. He asked the devotees that he could no longer give up the space in his house that he had given for Temple programs because he had to sell it, and he asked that we take it away. the paraphernalia of the Temple.
2. A part was taken to Mrs. Girisutarani's house and the Altar of the Deities I took to my house. Dear Gurumaharaja, after returning from Fr. Maldonado, I was supporting the program, and as happened in 2014, once again I was entrusted with the things of the Temple and its Lordship Goura Nitay.
ASA - 👏 👏 👏
As you take care of Them, They will take even more care of your and your community.
3. We were in charge of the program, M. Girisutarani devi dasi and P. Govardhana, who with the Yatra devotees reached an agreement: To carry out Nama Hatta programs and take collections until we could have our own premises, knowing the economic limitations of the Yatra.
4. These Nama Hatta programs were not constant, but Balarama and Janmastami festivals were celebrated in Mrs. Giri's house and in our house.
5. The first meeting we had at Mother Giri's house in 2022, we held an Abhisek for her lordship Goura Nitay where some devotees participated. Photos later.
6. This year, Nama Hatta programs continued to be held, not very frequently, but the holidays were celebrated like last year.
7. Dear Gurumaharaja, all these activities are carried out with the supervision of Sr. Mathuresh, who invited us to be part of the National Board and temporary managers of the Yatra Cusco, the same one in which we have been participating in the weekly meetings (every 15 days).
8. According to the policies of the Regional GBC, in a city there can be 2 or more Namahattas, for now there are the programs that we do and the program that P. Goura Rupa does.
9. We started doing street preaching programs. Two Saturdays ago we did Sankirtan. Lord Krishna made arrangements for the municipal workers. There is a very enthusiastic Mother, they participate in all the programs with her husband Erick, she is doing the INTRO course with LAD and is a candidate for initiation. Also a friend from Temple, B. Jesús, who despite his problems continues to participate in the programs and helped us get a tent to match the stalls at the fair where we were going to sell books. Lord Krishna manifests himself in many ways. It was very static and that inspires and excites the devotees, we posted everything on our Facebook page.
10. We will continue to organize more activities and hope that more devotees will participate in the service for the sake of the Yatra. That's all I can report.
Personally, I thank you again for your infinite mercy and for allowing me to participate in your FMP, which is very important to us. For now we are not working in a company but as an independent accountant, the market is very competitive, other colleagues charge very cheaply, but we are more or less fine.
My wife is working in Abancay, 4 hours from Cusco, they are with my children, she is part of the Teaching Career, that is, she works for the Government, on that side we are very good.
I frequently travel to Abancay to associate with them .
Regarding the worship of the Deity, due to my situation, I do not do it daily, but I do it when the devotees come to do the program, twice a month. But mentally I offer the Bhoga for Sri Sri Goura Nitay.
Dear Gurumaharaja, we are in a complicated situation, we don't know if we are the right person to do this service, but here we are. Lord Krishna put us in that situation (so we believe).
We only remember the last time we were able to serve him in Cusco, when he told us: "Once Srila Prabhupada sent a disciple, without any experience, to run a temple, the devotee had many doubts, but SP told him not to neglect Mangala Arati and his rounds, then everything would be fine"...
Dear Gurumaharaja, I thank you for your time and patience in addressing this letter to you, I will always be indebted to you, and I pray that, even though I am in hell, you allow me to continue serving you from there. May Lord Sri Krishna shower His Blessings upon you. Jay Gurumaharaja.
Hare Krishna.
Your worthless would-be servant
Govardhana das
PS: Dear Gurumaharaja, the photos are from the programs held this year, on Goura Purnima, Janmastami and Balarama Purnima (M. Girisutarani dd House), the book distribution program is seen at Bhn Margot and Bhk Jesus.
HpS/ASA - Your work, agtSP, is certainly inspiring at even the highest levels of Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. Please accept our humble obeisances.
We read everything and as much as we can help we certainly want to do so.
The more you purify and educate yourself in Bhakti Yoga, the more you can do the same for others.
If we are sincere, then we can expect at least 15% of the population to become KC.
What we said was what we heard from Nava-yogendra Swami. who was sent to foreign country to be Temple President, that Srila Prabhupada told him:
- "Just chant 16-nice rounds
- Follow the four principles strictly
- Keep a full morning and evening program
- See that everyone under your authority does the same
and you will have no problems."
For us, it is a problem unless we get a chance to preach every day, so we were sure to see that this was one of the opportunities that the above four requirements.
Of course, the FMP and FEP need to be adjusted to your tastes! Krsna book is wonderful part of FEP!!
Send another report at least end of the year? Start of next year?
If we distribute books, do Sankirtan, in Cusco it goes all over the world, no? So many spiritually inclined tourists visit there.
Let us go to another post! :>>>>>