Musings of a Mad Monk

1Β year, 4Β months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

[10/11, 11:28 AM] K G. Boro: Hare Krsna Maharaj πŸ™

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Gauranga πŸ™ All glories to Srila Prabhupad πŸ™

Hari Bol!  

Maharaj will you be coming back to the Boro soon or be going to India pretty soon for Karthick maybe? Hare KrsnaπŸ™

[10/11, 12:08 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: We've, agtSP, been based here for six months now, with just one week trips out to East and West Coast.

What are your plans? 


K G. Boro: Oh ok Jai Maharaj! πŸ™ŒπŸ™

Currently searching for new employment, in the mean time performing guitar Kirtan doing some small books distribution at the same time

Etasa Krsna Das your diciple will be coming to Murari Sevaka farm temple for November 13th Mon - Thursday to give mrdanga classes for the temple devotees and few regular local devotees to the temple

I'll accompany him and stay over at the farm during that time

πŸ™ I'm just trying to remember Krsna and the deities and serve the devotees

But searching for jobs that aren't too hellish maybe, I'm starting to look toward jobs related to music possibly. It's my nature I realized more and more this last year or so. Maybe music therapy profession. These are a few ideas I have πŸ™ Hare Krsna Maharaj

Does this seem like the best idea to find a profession within our nature Maharaj? I've tried so many things, music seems to come automatically to me somehow.

HpS - AgtSP. So many times we see Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, recommending people work according to their nature and surrender the results to Krsna.

So, work related to the music industry seems good.

Since it is Kali yuga the best way to understand our nature is Hari Kirtan.

So 16-rounds, Kirtaniya sada harih (KSHari), always chanting.

We put Sm. Etasa K. Das's program on our Calendar, but don't think we can come. Got a nice program on 14th in The Boro.

Our calendar always in the Kapi Dhvaja. We are packing up and the 19th go to Houston, maybe for three months.

Hope to get your association during that time.

Maybe on your way to Murari you could stop by and we could send somethings for Etasa K. D. et al.

Thank you.