[ASA Carnaval] - APENDICE - Reporte Indira Ekadasi 2023

En nuestra carta más reciente usted dijo: “Por favor envía también algunas noticias de tu Yatra, México, amigos, competidores, etc”


En este lugar de ISKCON, las cosas parecen estables. Aun en medio de un lago de rencillas administrativas y entre devotos, el ISKCON de Srila Prabhupada se mantiene firme y en desarrollo como una flor de loto. Es debido a la misericordia sin causa de Srila Prabhupada, que los devotos, desde sus propias posiciones están luchando por mantener el entusiasmo y continuar en la misión. Observamos que, durante la celebración de los festivales, todos los grupos trabajan de forma armoniosa, es posible que haya un poco de competencia por complacer al Señor, pero aun así, cada uno toma la posición donde es más hábil, felizmente ejecuta su labor y ¡todos brillan como si se tratara de joyas engarzadas en uno de los anillos de los Pies de loto de nuestro Señor!

“Amigos”- Por su misericordia sin causa, luego de su visita a México he recuperado la amistad con varios devotos, entre ellos, algunos de sus agradables discípulos y estamos intentando apoyarnos en diferentes proyectos. (Espero pronto estar en posibilidad de comunicarle los esfuerzos de todos ellos).

Medité mucho en el concepto de “competidores”, pero para donde quiera que miré solo encontré devotos intentando contribuir en la misión de Srila Prabhupada, así que me sentí incapaz de verlos como competencia, me pareció identificarlos más como “compañeros de lucha”... Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, debo decir que también he aprendido a mantener cierta distancia de algunos devotos pues, aunque de corazón aprecio y admiro su servicio y a ellos mismos, no comparto algunas de sus prácticas o ellos las mías 😊

Desde mi perspectiva ¡ISKCON es enorme! y hay ocupación para todos, por lo que no hay necesidad de competir entre nosotros por un lugar, pues por la misericordia de Guru, siempre habrá algo que hacer. Por mi parte solo aspiro poder ser útil de algún modo, bajo su misericordiosa guía.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva

Su aspirante a sirviente

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi 



In our most recent letter you said: “Please also send some news about your Yatra, Mexico, friends, competitors, etc.”


In this ISKCON place, things seem stable. Even in the midst of a lake of administrative and devotee squabbles, Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON remains firm and developing like a lotus flower. It is because of Srila Prabhupada's causeless mercy that devotees, from their own positions, are struggling to maintain enthusiasm and continue in the mission.

We observe that, during the celebration of the festivals, all the groups work harmoniously, there may be a little competition to please the Lord, but even so, each one takes the position where he is most skillful, happily executes his work and They all shine as if they were jewels set in one of the rings of the Lotus Feet of our Lord!

“Friends” - Through his causeless mercy, after his visit to Mexico I have regained friendship with several devotees, among them, some of his pleasant disciples and we are trying to support each other in different projects. (I hope to soon be able to communicate the efforts of all of them to you).

I meditated a lot on the concept of “competitors”, but everywhere I looked I only found devotees trying to contribute to Srila Prabhupada's mission, so I felt unable to see them as competition, I seemed to identify them more as “fellow fighters”. Without prejudice to the above, I must say that I have also learned to keep a certain distance from some devotees because, although I wholeheartedly appreciate and admire their service and themselves, I do not share some of their practices or they share mine 😊

HpS - Hmmm. Candravali and Radharani are "competitors"? They regulate Their distances? Hmm.

From my perspective ISKCON is huge! and there is occupation for everyone, so there is no need to compete among ourselves for a place, for by the mercy of Guru, there will always be something to do. For my part, I only hope to be useful in some way, under his merciful guidance.

HpS - We have same realization. ISKCON is no longer and institution, it is now a movement, like Democracy or Surrealism. Even the institution is very big, like the USA or Mexico. We must try to be a part of the big picture, but we must also be part of local team.

Also, we realize, we are constitutionally unique. We have been created unique. No one can do what we do, and not even KRSNA realizes our full potential. We have to discover more and more our potentional for service.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Your would-be servant

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you. go ahead. Develop a great Sankirtan.
