God on Trial movie

1 year, 6 months ago by Madhumanjari in Special Category A, Special Category B

asa[e] - media resources, cinema.

Hare Krishna, Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As per your instruction, I would like to share the link to an interesting movie. 'God on Trial', the plot of the movie is based on a true story during the Holocaust.

It depicts the need to understand why we suffer.

The theology of suffering of a group of Jewish people who, the night before their already announced death (Gas chambers), full of fear and despair, questioned and debated God's promises of protection.

It is an attempt to rationalize and understand the suffering and the imminent death that is imposed on them (like we all are in some way).

How to reconcile their faith in God's loving plan and the excruciating pain and suffering that they are exposed to.

In my humble understanding, it is an invitation to question our beliefs, and go deeper in our relationship with God.

If someone is interested, here is the link


Hope this will be useful to somebody like it is to me.

Thank you.


Madhumanjari dd

HpS/ASA - super! SUPER! . . S-U-P-E-R! ! !

We will watch.

Thank you.

What about Dinner with a Perfect Stranger and the other one about her daughter?


Anyone else recommend Media Resources?

This is Sankirtan: K.C. view point on modern media.