"Hari Bol" The fire burn all the wood

1 year, 6 months ago by narotam_armijo in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

HK, Guru maharaja. AGTSP, please accpet my humble obeisances.

Reporting from the principal base.

I had desires to join the Brahmacari asrama. Before coming here to Bhakti Shastry, Pancatattva Das give me his saffron clothing,

I have thinking seriously about becoming one before during this period of time and when he give me that I feel more exited about being one, but I don't know how to be one, what I have to do to become one.

HpS - Read and reflect on these:





Talk to local authorities.

Report on the results of your findings.

Basically be a celibate student!


I can be one? I ask Devaki and he ask Dhanvantari Swami, and he said that is good, but it's all that take to be one? Sure I have to ask you first if I can be one.

HpS - Yes, it is good. At least for some time. If you can serve Krsna well in that ashrama and thne go directly to Sannyasa that is also good!! Great.

Whit few to little to add have a nice time in Krsna consciousness. :^D

(I cannot figure out how to put a little tilaka in to the smilely face ''\_(•-•)_/'')

HpS - Neither I!

Thank you.

Always nice to hear news of Maharaja's ashrama.