Here in the basement

Hare Krsna, AgtSP

Please accept my humble obeisances

(I'm not shure if this is the proper way of making a salute)

ASA / HpS - Seems great! We offer the same as you have done!

But here I am, now the new temporally base of operations for the sk (sankirtan) is in a place called Villa Carlos Paz a pretty place whit a river and a loot of beutifull birds, the principal base is in San Esteban (aprox 2 hours in car from the new one) and it's also a really beutifull place.

My teachers are for the moment just mahara Dhanvantari Swami, now when we go back to the pricipal base we are going to have class whit Devaki about the meanings of SP of the BG and then a few or so months whit Mitravinda about the Upadesambrita and the the rest (or at least is what i know because the organization here is somthing that It's impossible to understand at least to me) but good new's I give 76 little book's and between 5 or 4 BG a really nice number for just 4 days.

HpS/ASA - There are not two people like you! Your Sankirtan is very inspiring for so many of us.

Now about your health it's somthing that all are going to pass in one moment or other.

Here I see people of all the ages and the old ones are the ones that I feel more compation about, not because their bodies but the life that usually without Krsna consciousness they just know about family, sens and all that, but a materialistic life just will only direct them to the worst destiny and they are not so lucky as the joung ones because even if they can reach some knowledge they usually are too accustomed to a material life to accept Krsna, what we can do to the people that simply dont wan't to hear about Krsna not because they are ateist or somthing similar but because custom and the years have made them become a log that can no longer bend?

HpS/ASA - Try our best to be instruments of the Previous Acharya's like Narada Mooooni who converted Mrgari into t a Vaisnava!

And whit little to few question's more to add i said good bye :D

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja, I hope all the travel to your base have being really nice :D.

HpS - ASA -- Distributing books is super, but also look and see if KRSNA sends people who can also become book distributors!

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Respects to Dhanvantari Swami, Maharaja et al!!