Hare Krishna querido Maharaja,
Pamho, agtSP.
Gracias por escribir, es siempre bueno recibir sus mensajes. Aprecio su constante preocupación por la situación de nuestro Yatra en Peru.
La Junta Nacional de ISKCON Perú mantiene reuniones quincenales, promoviendo la unión de las Yatras y coordinando la implementación de la Estrategia de Predica promovida por el RGB Latino para toda la región. Hay mucho entusiasmo. Esperamos que otros programas de predica estables de las provincias del pais acepten la invitacion que se les ha hecho para participar. El Centro de Predica de Miraflores ha sido reabierto y tenemos programas regulares alli.
Estos días tenemos la visita de SG Rukmini Krishna Prabhu, de la India, candidato a tomar sannyasa y se quedara 2 semanas en Perú dando varios seminarios y clases en los 3 templos. Como un servicio a los discípulos de los diferentes maestros espirituales que hay en Lima, este sábado el estará dando un seminario para devotos con segunda iniciación (brahmanas) llamado "La importancia del Gayatri Mantra" Sera muy provechoso que sus discípulos asistan a este importante programa para refrescar los principios y valores brahminicos que se comprometieron a seguir cuando recibieron el Gayatri Mantra de Ud.
En cuanto a las denuncias administrativas que se hicieron hace varios meses, el investigador encargado por el RGB todavía esta esperando las evidencias para iniciar una investigación. Creo que este tema está en buenas manos y no debería perturbar el desarrollo espiritual de la comunidad.
Como Ud. sabe, cualquier denuncia debe estar acompañada de pruebas y someterla a un proceso justo antes de llegar a una resolución seria. Llegar a conclusiones arbitrarias y correr rumores ofensivos en contra de devotos es muy dañino para cualquier comunidad.
El dialogo conmigo siempre está abierto para cualquier devoto que tenga dudas, preocupaciones y ganas de hacer aportes constructivos para el desarrollo armónico de nuestro Yatra.
Cuando es necesario, publicamos comunicados oficiales en nuestra pagina de Facebook "ISKCON Peru - Comunicados oficiales del GBC"
Su sirviente,
Mathuresa dasa
Hare Krishna, dear Maharaja,
Pamho, agt SP.
HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Esteemed Mathuresa Das, our very esteemed friend and GBC Regional Secretary, paoho! ! . ! First let us apologize in taking 8-days to respond to your very important ASA Blog post.
Our old body, donkey, super demanding/productive trip to Richmond and NIOS Nashville festival have occupied so much strength.
Thank you for the Whatsapp words to keep these Blog posts in proportion.
Thank you for writing, it is always good to receive your messages. I appreciate your constant concern for the situation of our Yatra in Peru.
The ISKCON Peru National Board holds biweekly meetings, promoting the union of the Yatras and coordinating the implementation of the Preaching Strategy promoted by the RGB Latino for the entire region.
There is a lot of enthusiasm. We hope that other stable preaching programs in the country's provinces will accept the invitation that has been made to them to participate. The Miraflores Preaching Center has been reopened and we have regular programs there.
These days we have the visit of SG Rukmini Krishna Prabhu, from India, candidate to take sannyasa and will stay 2 weeks in Peru giving various seminars and classes in the 3 temples. As a service to the disciples of the different spiritual masters that exist in Lima, this Saturday he will be giving a seminar for devotees with second initiation (brahmanas) called "The importance of the Gayatri Mantra".
HpS/ASA - 🙂 Super!
Regarding the administrative complaints that were made several months ago, the investigator commissioned by the RGB is still waiting for the evidence to initiate an investigation. I believe that this issue is in good hands and should not disturb the spiritual development of the community.
HpS - In our casual conversations on the topic, we have heard that H. G. Hansarupa Das from New York is the Investigator and that he has talked with H. G. Gita-govinda Das et al, requested their Evidence and that they have sent it.
Very nice.
Very interesting.
As you know, any complaint must be accompanied by evidence and subject to a fair process before reaching a serious resolution.
Coming to arbitrary conclusions and spreading offensive rumors against devotees is very damaging to any community.
ASA - 👍
The dialogue with me is always open for any devotee who has doubts, worries and the desire to make constructive contributions for the harmonious development of our Yatra.
When necessary, we post official statements on our Facebook page "ISKCON Peru - GBC Official Statements"
His servant,
Mathuresa Dasa
HpS/ASA - Super! Thank you so much for your efforts to post this great information here in our ASA Blog. Thank you.
In conversations with such devotees and Gita-govinda Das, Abhirama thakura Das, Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi and many more, we have never heard any anger toward those with whom they feel administrative conflict.
There has been a humor that we are friends, members of the same Yatra, but there are administrative conflicts that need to be addresses.
For this there is of course a line of command from Head-cook, to Temple President, to National Council, to Regional Secretary, to GBC Secretary, to Regional GBC Committee, to International GBC Executive Committee, to Srila Prabhuapda.
For ASA we require that our individual, direct relationship with Srila Prabhupada is first, second is our friendship with the other members of his society, and third, but a very essential manifestation of his potency, are our institutional relations in ISKCON.
We feel very intensely that Institutional Leaders must join the Yatra from time to time and lead Kirtans, half an hour, more. Then their political position will become transparently obvious to the Brahmanas and saintly devotees.
As Smt. Gangamayi Devi Dasi has been so active in administration, it would be wonderful if we could join her for Kirtan's regularly, no? We need her leadership.
ISKCON seems to be moving into the Third Stage.
Many more things to discuss with your good self!
Many more.
Hope this Blog can serve a little for peaceful and productive dialogs, with a common cause.