Monkey Speaks

1 year, 11 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Special Category B

asa[e] sankirtan

If we want to communicate Gaura vani to different nations then we need to know their ethos, no?

The money, paper money, of a nation is an interesting way to look at a people.

Whose pictures are on the money? Is it people or places. The Euro is a "national" currency?

As far as we know the USA is the only country in the world with the Name of God on their money, "In God we trust". There was even a recent effort to remove it but it was rejected.

After you sort, count, handle a lot of paper money your fingers usually stink! We hear that tuberculosis is common in bank tellers who have a lot of contact with paper currency. This is interesting that the representation of Laksmmi Devi has these qualities in the modern world.