Service fever

12 years, 10 months ago by Rashmin dd in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Dearest Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Just at this minute I found out you are in Buenos Aires. Fantastic! I was really missing you yesterday because I was at a house program and I remembered last year Jiva Goswami took us to a house program while in Huston. I'm not a big fan of those; however, Yogendra prabhu insisted I go. 

I was advised by my mentor, Mangala arti dd, to tell you of my involvement with the Bhakti Lounge yoga centre here in Toronto. I have mentioned my services with this program before and it is expanding very quickly. We have recently been granted the opporunity to conduct a club at another university campus in downtown Toronto. Succcess!! It will consist of Kirtan and Japa. Mangala arti has really showed me how chanting definitely is the way of self realization in Kali yuga. Amazing. And this coming June our Bhakti Lounge center will have its third annual inspirit festival- a yoga lifestyle themed event with guest speakers HH Deavamrita Swami and Bada Hari das Prabhu. It's an intese week of service. Very enlivening. 

I got to utilize some of the daksina from my initiation in books. There is an upcoming event in April at the university and we will take part with our books, kirtan, and prasadam. There was the need for someone to sponsor a box of POYs and I immediately volunteered. I hope I did good with this. Please let me know if it was alright. 

ASA - Yes!    Yes....    Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!

On another note, Yogendra prabhu and I have decided that we would like to be engaged. He told me that in order to make something happen one must seek the blessings of the Vaishnavas. And so I come to you as humbly as I can to ask for your blessings and permission. When you asked in the previous letter if I had investigated the Grihastha ashrama I thought about it and in a way i have but indirectly. In my readings I come across this topic here and there. One of the members of the Grihastha Vision Team lives in Toronto and we have received advice from her.  But I shall investigate directly this time and let you know of my findings. 

I think I have written too much although there is still more I would like to convey. I hope I may visit you and have your association this year or you said you might visit Toronto this summer. Only Krishna knows.

Hare Krishna

your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dd

HpS - Jaya, Jaya Rasa-lila, sarva mano rama . . . .    The Bhakti-lounge sounds great.    Many people are attracted to austerities (that work).   One devotee, just took Sannyasa, from Russia, and he does lots of preaching through Ekadasi-vrata. People join and fast all day all day, different levels, and chant, like Kirtan, Reading, Japa, 20-minutes each in group, for hours, even for the first time.  Of course they are Russians, and many like it.
So, nice to hear from you. Why don't you and Yogindra Ji read the story of Kardama and Devahuti together and give us a report here???   Yes, maybe wee can visit Toronto this summer.    We are neighbors.   When is the Rathayatra?