Arrived in India

2 years, 1 month ago by srinath in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Other

Dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

We finally reached India after 3 years! We can't wait to come and meet you in Radhakunda. We hope and pray that your energy levels are good. We watched your katha on Srila Prabhupada before his disappearance day. It was so very instructive to us on how a disciple should make the instructions of the Spiritual Master his life and soul and how you have taken the instructions you heard from Srila Prabhupada and have made it your life and soul.

We are currently in Pune near Sri Sri Radha VrindavanChandra temple. We are with the devotee (Madhuri Rasa Mataji) who helped Divya take up Krishna Consciousness when she was in Pune before we got married. Divya had promised Radha VrindavanChandra that she would bring me to Them after our marriage. It has taken us 4 years to come. In the morning today, I got the opportunity to do Srila Prabhupada's Guru Puja in the temple. I really feel it was your mercy Guru Maharaja because there are so many wonderful devotees here and I don't know anyone here to recognize me and ask me as a matter of courtesy. We have been doing Srila Prabhupada's Guru Puja service in Dallas for 4 years and see it as Srila Prabhupada accepting our service.

Before arriving in Pune, we were in Thiruvanantapuram. Divya's elder brother lives there and they just welcomed their first child. They named her Sankirtana. We also visited the Adi Kesava Perumal temple and took dust from the place where Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to recite Brahma Samhita. We leave Pune tomorrow to Nagpur to meet Divya Sri's parents. She has not seen them for 3 years. Her father lost his hearing last year when he got COVID and she has not even been able to speak to him properly. It will be good for her to spend some time with them. On 19th we travel to Delhi where we'll meet up with Radhika Raman prabhu and my friend Caru Nimai Prabhu from ISV, and travel to Radhakunda together. Ranchor prabhu has very mercifully arranged accommodations for us in Radhakunda next to your asharam. We can't wait to come and meet you and be with you Guru Maharaja. We will be there till 24th evening and leave to Delhi along with Radhika Raman prabhu. On 25th we travel to Mayapur and return to Chennai on 29th.

On 1-Jan, we are celebrating our father's 70th birthday (Bhimaratha Shanthi), we have our visa appointment at the US consulate on 18-Jan. It is taking one month for the passports to be returned with the visa stamp nowadays. We will get our passports back from the US consulate with our visas stamped sometime around 18th Feb. We have booked our return tickets on 23rd Feb back to Dallas. On 27th Jan, Srirama is getting married. Divya and I have been going around and distributing wedding invitations this time, since it is getting difficult for my parents to do so.

In between all this, I have been working also. It is the first time I have come to India for such a long time. Usually, it is for 2-3 weeks. Day before yesterday, I was texting Nrtya Kisori mataji that I was missing the Dham and the devotees in Dallas and immediately, we met a devotee from Dallas in Radha Kunjabihari temple yesterday. Krishna has been very kind and merciful and we can't attribute it to anything else other than your causeless mercy Guru Maharaja!

Your servant

Srinatha Krsna dasa


It is cold here!

Maybe for Divya's health you should stay in India?

We thank you so much for the news!