Personal News, India Calendar, Pausing the Wifi in the Boro While you are away

2 years, 8 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

My personal sadhana is going well Guru Maharaj, especially after Sadhu Sanga kirtan retreat. I feel a boost. I also spent a day with at Radhika Raman Prabhu's and it was wonderful.

I am chanting 16 rounds and following the 4 regulative principles. I am doing the FMP on most days and trying to make it so that i dont miss.

Thank you so much for giving me and my parents your association in April. It was a blissful afternoon and my parents were overjoyed that you could spend that time with us.

HpS/ASA - The feeling was very mutual. We spent about 1/2-hour preparing. Decorating!

Was very nice.

Hope they are realizing Lord Chaitanya's vani.

We had Rath Yatra and Panihati festival in Atlanta last week and it was ecstatic.

I saw in the Kapi Dhvaja that you'll be in India from September to January. Thats great news Guru Maharaj. I am also visiting India for my Visa stamping at the end of October and will be there till end of December.

If you'll be there in Vrindavan during Kartik, i'll also plan to be there for at least a week during my trip so that i can have the good fortune of participating in parikrama with you.

HpS - We can coordinate a calendar. We may be able to accomodate some guests in Radha kunda for a few days!

Also, with regards to your travel Guru Maharaj, i wanted to ask if there will be someone at the ashram in Boro while you are out of the US for the better part of a year? If its going to be empty, can we put the Wi-fi on hold like we did during your South America trip last year?

Your humble servant

Srirama Krishna Das

HpS - Jaya! paoho.... No one will be in the Ashrama, so maybe best to terminate and restart again when we are back from India (?) next Februrary, March? Whatever is best.

If we terminate, then they have to come before we leave town, because there is stuff to pick up for them.

We can always us the hot spot on our AT&T service.

Your Brother and Sister in law are here. They are a wonderful example to everyone.

Focus in becoming purified so that you can help Krsna in His Sankirtan. Everything else will follow automatically like the sun rising every day.

Thank you.